Dream reality and Personality

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Desired reality: Lately a lot of things have been going my way, and there hasn't been drama for me. There was one incident, but it didn't really affect me much. My life has been getting a lot better. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but I haven't had bad things happen to me since I started this sub. A lot of things that made me sad happened, but I immediately got over it, it didn't affect me much, or/and it gets fixed. On top of bad things not happening, a lot of things I want to happen, happen.
Personality: it's definitely working! I've been able to get over my anxiety in many situations. A lot of people have been saying that I've been way nicer recently. I've been able to smile easier, and I've gotten better at helping people. I've also gotten better at standing up for my friends, and not being to shy to help them out ( it used to be a big problem for me, because people thought that I was being unloyal).

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