The tyrants are back

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I am back to writing this story and sorry for the wait

3rd POV

Y/n is outside with gohan catching fish while have a competition seeing who will get the biggest one and talk in between

Gohan: *pulls out a fish* ha this one is 600 pounds.

Y/n: *pulls out a bigger fish* 601.

Gohan: not again.

Y/n looks in a sundial on the ground and sees it time to leave

Y/n: gohan time for you to go home.

Both of them dry off and pick up the 6 huge fishes they caught they talk while walking back to gohan house

Gohan: so uncle y/n when do you think you will get a house?

Y/n: when I get a job here but I can also just make one but then the government may come.

Gohan: ok how about your adopted family how have they been?

y/n: I called them not that long ago they are doing fine.

Gohan: do you think they might visit sometimes?

Y/n: I asked bulma to make a ship to take us to visit them but the was also the one Vegeta toke.

Y/n stoped for a moment but then continue to walk

Y/n: speak of the devil.

Gohan: what happen?

Y/n: I sensed Vegeta I guess he back.

Gohan and Y/n finally reached chichi house they but the fish where the food was and gohan went to study while y/n meditation and visit someone in his head

Y/n mind y/n POV

Y/n: I wake up in a empty void and I automatically knew it was my head.

???: hello.

I turn around to see the mysterious figure that have been in my head since I almost died to cooler.

Y/n: nice to see you again mr blank

???: your still wondering my name well I can't tell you for now.

Y/n: why not?

???: I have made a promise to myself if I ever meet someone again I need to tell them my story before I introduce myself.

Y/n: well that a dumb promise what the point of it.

???: that for another time I sense three strong power levels coming to your planet and they are not friendly.

Y/n: What!

Y/n wakes up from his meditation and ran to chichi house and sees gohan on the phone

Y/n: gohan something bad is coming!

Gohan: I know Krillin just told me and it seems to be freiza and cooler with someone else.

Y/n: we have no time. Chichi where's gohan battle suit?!?

Chichi: it under his bed.

Gohan got to his armor and so do y/n

Gohan got to his armor and so do y/n

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