
 Stokeley Pov:

It takes everything in me nt to pull up on Geneva and beat her myself. I knew Geneva and Jah had problems because she was cheating and stuff but Jah wouldn't beat her. I drive me and Jayla to my house. She runs upstairs and locks the door. "Jay! open the door please." 

"why should I? There's no reason i should come out this room let alone open the door." she says crying "I know this is hard, I'm just as hurt as you are. but Jah wouldn't want you to be cooped up in this room." 

"How would you know how i feel. You don't know how i feel at all. You act like you don't even care. How would you know what Jah wants. Why are you always wanting me talk about how i feel. How  about you talk about  how you feel. You act like you don't give a fuck!" 

"oh thats how you feels?" I say hurt walking out the house..  why would she say that? Why is she being so selfish? im trying to be strong for her. I might not be showing it well, but im hurting too. Jah is like my brother. He was there when my own parents weren't. Now I might never see him again. That shit stings. I pulled off from the house. I needed to go a place were i could think.

I pulled up this place called "Make Out Hill". It's were me and Jah used to go when we needed a place to talk or get away from life when we were going through things. We used to bring our passed girlfriends up here, But only the ones we thought were special. Jah never brung Geneva up here because he said there was this vibe she had that he didn't want up there. Jah and Geneva been together for good minute. He always said that he felt this off vibe about her but never knew what it was.

I got out the car and just sat at the top of the hill and thought about Jah and the whole situation. I thought about Jayla and Geneva. All i could feel was pain. Pain that I couldn't get rid of.

Jayla POV:

I felt really bad for what i said to Stokeley. I was just angry. Jah got sentenced to life in prison. and i was felt hurt. I tried calling him but he wouldn't answer. I waited a little to give him space but he was gone for a long time i started to get worried. So texted him and he finally answered.

Me: Stokeley?

What? :Stoke

Me: Where are you? We need to talk. I'm sorry for what I said, I was just talking out of anger.

Nah, you good. Just went some were to think. :Stoke

Me: Please tell me where you are. We need to talk. I'm sorry i know your hurting too.

Nah. I'm good, Ma. It's getting late you got school tomorrow you should go to sleep. :Stoke

Me: I'm not a child and I'm worry about you. Please tell me were your are.

Look, Jayla I'm good! I just went somewere to think. :Stoke

Me: please don't do this.

Night. :Stoke

 I felt so bad, I needed to talk to him. He was basically all I had. i was trying to think of where he would be. So I got his keys he had to his other car my mom gave for his 16 birthday.  I drove around for a while, he was no were to be found. I looked at his favorite hangout places. Like the teen club him and Jah always went too. I looked at the Ihop they always went. I looked everywhere. It was hopeless. I sat in the parking lot of the Walmart across the street from the Ihop. I started to cry, I felt selfish. I felt alone. 

Then I started thinking..

*Look, Jayla I'm good! I just went somewere to think. :Stoke*

**Just went some were to think. :Stoke**

I Immediately started the car and drove off. I knew exactly where he was. It's the only place him and Jah go to "think". I pulled up at the "Make Out Hill", and there he was sitting he had tears in his eyes and i could tell he was really hurting. 

He pulled out his phone and tried to call Jah as if he could answer. The phone went automatically to voice mail. He tried to call again with the same out come, It was just making him angrier. 

"Don't.  .. . It's not making it better." I said grabbing the phone causing him to stop and look up at me.  "how did you know I was here?" he said breaking eye contact. "Stoke I'm sorry for what I said. I wasn't thinking." I said sitting down next to him. 

"why did you say that?" he asked facing me. "I dunno. I guess i was angry." 

"do you really think i don't care?" he asked  "no. .. . kinda." once i say that he starts to lightly laugh and shake his head. "I mean you don't really show it."  i said trying to give a quick explination.  "I don't show it cause I've been trying to be strong for you. Cleo is trying to deal with Jah and I felt i was the only person you had. This shit stings for real. Jah and me have been friends since middle school. I might not even see him again. He was always there for me when i had no one. It kills me that I can't be there for him. At least I'm trying to be." He said sounding like he was holding back tears. 

I quickly hug him and he hugs me back tightly. 

"Damn. I miss that weird ass nigga." Stokeley says trying to lighten the mood.   "you and me both. You remember that that time we went to Ihop and the nigga got a steak." i said  laughing. He bust out laughing to. "That nigga get a steak every time we go to Ihop." we both bust out laughing.  

"It's 1:42 in the morning. We should go home."  Stokeley says helping me up. 

I drove the car i came in and he drove his car. 

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