Special Treatment

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"I have every right to be pissed right now, Nico."

"Listen, about the surgery-" 

"No, drop it. I'm not talking about this right now." Levi stopped him before he could say anything else. Levi wasn't about to let this situation pass over like it was nothing. The surgery was something extremely important to him and he got kicked off of it like it was nothing. 

Nico took in a deep breath as he stood from the chair, the legs of it scraping against the floor with a screech. The sound made Levi cringe. "I couldn't have said anything that would have kept you on that surgery!" 

"Yes, you could have!" Levi argued back, also standing up from his chair. He stood up with so much force that the chair flew back and landed against the floor with a loud thud. He made his way around the table so he could stand in front of Nico. "I worked tirelessly for three weeks to help assist on that surgery, you stood by me and helped me every step of the way!"

"Levi, keep your voice-"

"No, let me speak! That surgery was a massive deal for me. It was a huge stepping stone for my career as a surgeon. I didn't get on that surgery just because of you. I got on that surgery because I worked hard and I proved that I could do it. I didn't get on that surgery because of 'special treatment', or whatever. I missed out on a huge opportunity today, all because you didn't stand up for me."

"Woah, you're blaming this on me now?" Nico almost seemed to laugh, tearing his gaze from Levi to take a moment to compose himself. There was no way that it was Nico's fault. 

"Yeah, I'm blaming you. Why didn't you say something, Nico? You knew how much I wanted this and you just let it slip away from me." Levi let out a shaky breath as he finished, wrapping his arms around his stomach, his expression melting into something that resembled hurt. 

"I had no power to say anything, Levi. It was purely Link and Jackson's decision to make." Nico explained, taking a step towards Levi, in hopes that he would be able to comfort him. 

"I could have proven that I am more than what people think of me. I could have proven that I could do it. You had just as much say as Link or Jackson in that situation. That surgery could have actually really helped me to progress, to learn and see what happens in situations like that. You didn't say anything because you didn't want me in that room, did you?" Levi's brows furrowed together, the very thought of Nico not saying anything purely because of their little argument earlier that morning made his stomach twist. It felt awful. 

"No, Levi. Why would you even think that?" Nico couldn't believe Levi had even thought of such a thing. 

"It doesn't really matter now, does it? The surgery is done and over with. Listen, I have uh... Stuff, to do. I'll speak to you later. I just want to be alone right now." Levi mentioned, his voice low as he spoke, almost a whisper. Nico let out a sigh as he nodded, realizing he wasn't going to get anything else out of Levi. 

Just a few moments later and Nico had left, leaving Levi to tidy up his study notes before he had to head back out to check on his patients. 


The rest of the day had passed in a blur. Before he really knew what was happening, he was rushing after Nico, telling him that he loved him. Yes, he had really just told Nico that he loved him. Which was very, very true. Levi wasn't going to deny it. There was no way he could. 

Levi loved Nico with all his heart, which was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. It was a completely new feeling for Levi to have to experience for the first time. The nerves that ran through his body when he finally uttered those three words to Nico were almost enough to stop him from saying it. 

Now, he was cuddled up with Nico, watching the end of a movie together. It had been an eventful day full of many conflicting emotions that Levi couldn't quite fully begin to understand. However, even though it seemed that the arguments of that day had been long forgotten, the lingering feeling of hurt had stayed deep within Levi. 

"I don't get these kinds of movies," Nico sighed, cocking his head a little to the side as he watched the screen. "The dogs don't even talk and yet we seem to understand everything they want to say. They don't even really have a way of showing emotion other than wagging their tail or bearing their teeth. It's so strange."

"Do you really have to analyze every movie we watch?" Levi laughed a little, shifting himself a little so he could look up at Nico. Nico lifted his shoulder's in a slight shrug. 

"It just baffles me," Nico commented, eyes still locked onto the movie. Levi grinned to himself, taking a moment to admire the man he loved so dearly. 

"Oh, so a complicated surgery doesn't stump you, but understanding animals emotions does? Nico Kim, you sure are a weird man." Levi joked, sitting up from where he been cuddled into Nico's side. Nico finally tore his gaze away from the screen to look at Levi, who was stretching his arms above his head, his muscles sore from having been working all day. 

"You're not still mad about the surgery, are you?" Nico raised a brow, hoping that Levi wasn't about to bring it up again. 

When Levi was finally done stretching, he looked at Nico, a tired grin tugging at the corner of his lips. He shook his head slightly, letting out a short sigh. "No, I don't think I am. There will be other opportunities for me. I got to save a man's life today, and potentially save his daughters too."

"I heard about that," Nico shifted in his seat so he could face Levi a little more. "Bailey mentioned how proud she was of you. You saved a life today, Levi. I just turned someone's ankle into a knee."

"I guess you're right." Levi couldn't hide the bright smile that spread across his lips. He really had saved a life today. Two, potentially. Maybe missing out on the rotationplasty wasn't such a bad thing after all?

"So, I think you may have won the surgery lottery today. I can't believe my boyfriend is a life-saver." A cheeky grin tugged at Nico's lips as he spoke. Levi let out a whine, hiding his face in his hands to hide the fact he was blushing. 

"Why do you have to be so cheesy all the time?" Levi removed his hands from his face, resting them in his lap as he stared at Nico, his bottom lip jutted out in a pout. Nico let out a low chuckle, a sense of pride washing over him. He always enjoyed teasing Levi. His reactions never failed to amuse Nico. 

"I like seeing you blush. You're really adorable when you react the way you do." 

"Oh, shut up." Levi quipped, lowering his head to hide the smile gracing his face. 

Nico watched on in awe of Levi, unable to comprehend how beautiful he truly was. Nico sat himself up, reaching out to take Levi's hands in his own, stroking his thumb across the back of Levi's hand softly. Levi looked up at Nico, his cheeks still somewhat flushed a light shade of pink. "I love you. So, so much. You truly are incredible, Levi Schmitt."

"I love you, too," Levi muttered back, giving Nico's hands a subtle squeeze as he leaned forward, closing the gap between them, pressing his lips against Nico's in a soft, tender kiss. Nico dropped Levi's hands, his hands coming up to rest against Levi's neck, ever so slightly pulling him in closer. His thumb grazed against Levi's cheek as they kissed, Levi's hands coming to rest against Nico's waist. 

At the end of the day, yes, Levi was upset he didn't get to scrub in on the surgery he'd waited weeks for. But he wouldn't trade-in this moment with Nico for anything else in the entire world. 


short, simple and shit is what i'd really title this. lol, i'm sorry this is so bad but i just needed to write something. Just, something. 

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