Where it all started

21 3 4

The break of day awoke the people in Stanlow. Patches of grey clouds were seen lingering above their town, rumbling. An uncertain breeze whispered in their ears as their footsteps shuffled onto the cold streets, wondering where the moment will lead them. A blue flash blinked in the sky, first one and then another, young faces staring above as each small droplet delicately drizzled down their soft cheeks. The light rain delivered a serene feel around town, as if it was letting them know they'll be alright. Families already huddled each other under umbrellas, as each slowly walked away from the homes they still love and might not ever see again.

Over at the dirt track, outside of town was a strange man stood in the light drizzle, his worried gaze was fixed on the open path that traveled to the huge city that could be faintly seen miles away.

He's not here yet, he thought to himself. I choose not to believe my young brother would make such a reckless choice...No, not like this. His tense eyes slowly lowered to the ground as he kept at his thoughts. Could this have been my fault? He was never like this when he first left for his new job. He was so happy that he couldn't wait to start it too. What has this city done to him? Suddenly his thoughts were swiped away as he heard his name being called faintly. He looked up to turn towards the people behind him and recognized his young friend who squeezed through the crowd as he jogged towards the man. His hair is fully drenched while he whipped it to the side, along with his clothes soaking wet from the rain.

"Hagan-" His friend took a breath. "-Has he come yet?"

" Where's your jacket? You're soaking wet, Kyle."

"Hey, I asked you first. You know we might not have much time to bring our people to safety."

Hagan let out a soft sigh and nodded. "I know, Kyle. He hasn't come yet, but would you please put on some dry clothes and a jacket. It's going to get colder later on, and I don't want your mother worrying about you getting sick along the way."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." he mumbled.

"I'm being serious, Kyle. You're a good kid and if something bad were to ever happen to you-"

Hagan noticed Kyle giving him a slight smirk. "What's with the weird smile?"

Kyle kept pulling the weird smile, ignoring his words. But Hagan's face stayed serious.

"You worry about others a lot, eh?"

"Of course I worry. are you saying I shouldn't?"

"No, I mean, you've just been more worried than usual lately."

"You're not the first person to mention that. I just- If this whole situation goes south, my friends and the people here could die, and I refuse to let that happen...I refuse to let that happen to Melinda too."

"Hey, man, don't put yourself down. You still have a chance to save your brother. You have saved many people in your life Hagan, and you can do it again."

There was a pause between the two as the rain continued to fill their silence. "Perhaps you're right," He finally answered, the breeze lifting his long hair as it swayed from left to right. Again, there was a pause between them, that's when Kyle asked himself if it was something Hagan would be able to answer. He wasn't sure if talking about his brother would make him feel better.

"What are you going to do once you come face to face with him?"

Hagan broke out of his gaze. He turned back towards the city defeated and thought about it for a moment. Not knowing what he could he say, he eventually answered with a slight stammer, "I- I honestly don't know. I never thought this could happen to my own family member, my brother."

Kyle felt his goosebumps forming on his skin. Was it his regret about asking or the cold he didn't notice earlier? Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have asked that question, he thought. He tried to spark up a conversation trying to change the depressing mood to something lighter. That's when it clicked.

"So, were you thinking of proposing to her?"

Hagan took a quick glance back at him and let out a soothing laugh as he patted his shoulder, "As much as I would love to continue this conversation with you, I need you to find anyone else who needs help. As you said before, we might not have much time left."

"Aw, man! Fine, but you gotta tell me!" Hagan simply gave Kyle a wink and a heartwarming smile. Without hesitation, Kyle left hurrying back into town. When Hagan was alone, he turned towards the city once again and was left with his final thoughts, ... I wonder when he'll come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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