chapter one

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I shot up on my bed from a bad dream I can't even remember for the life of me. The sun finally hits my eyes as I start to realize it's time to get up for school my first day of the second year of high school, better known as K High, my old school for middle school. As I was brushing my hair, I start to realize im all out of hair ties. PERFECT. I , Manami Okuda, have never been good with first days but why out of all days does it to be with my hair but luckily it wasn't that bad to deal with. But to top it all off I can't find my glasses and that is just the cake topper of my days of bad days, my brother knew this would happen so he left my contact lens before he went on his annual business trip. Thank you onii-san. I got on my uniform but as I look at myself I realize it stings a little to see that I'm not in the uniform of the school I originally picked, like my first year of high. I got kicked out because of an explosion towards the end of my first year and it wasn't entirely my fault but no one would believe me that someone was trying to attack me. I was very hurt that no matter who i told no one wanted to believe me. They were all a bunch of assholes. So I reapplied at K and instantly got in because the principal told me he welcomed anyone from class E with welcome arms which was really weird if I do say so myself.

I finally got done with eating breakfast and put on my shoes. "Im heading out" I call out but no surprise when I got no answer back of course. All I can do is sigh as I head out and walk over to the bus stop as I see a group of boys that are going to my school too. The bus starts to pull up as finish my toast and step on the bus.

"And who might this beauty" says someone from behind me but his voice is oddly familiar and as I turn around I see the familiar flirt, the so called science king, and Asano. "Your hair is so profound and feels like silk" he says as he goes on to touch me as the bus picked up the next stop and more people came on.

"I don't this she likes you touching her" I turn to see Karma as he looks at me "huh so why are you here and not at your new school". He wrapped his arm around me as I looked up at him as i saw his famous smirk "I'm waiting for your answer Manami".

"You mean this is Manami Okuda from class 3-E" Asano says as he stares at me. WOW. I didn't think he knew my name. "Of course I remember you" he says to me again "and before you give that face like your saying 'did he read my mind'" he somewhat mocks me "your face is just really easy to read"

"I-I-It is not" I stutter as I realize that my cheeks were getting warmer. "Gotta go" I bow to them as I get off the bus and runs into the school. I straighten up as I enter the school and walk to the principal's office. "hello" I say as I walk in "Mr. Asano" I walked to his desk to not find him anywhere until his door opened.

"Manami should've known you would be the new kid" I see Asano walk behind me
Hello, hope you guys enjoy

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