Chapter 1 - Who's The New Kid?!

Start from the beginning

Once I Ran Into The Class Room the Teacher Glared At Me, That's When I Noticed... there Was A Boy Standing In front of Her...

"Mr. Davidsin..." She Said In A Stern Voice.

I Would have normally said something but I was in a trance... He was beautiful... So beautiful... the way his hair curved around his face... His eyes sparkling... The Way his face was hit by the light coming in from the window just perfectly.. He was a perfect piece of art work..

A small blush crept across my face as he slowly turned and faced me.. He just stared at me... It's like we we're frozen in time...

That Is Until The Sound Of The Teachers voice was heard in the back round and I quickly shook my head and looked at her.

"Sorry Ma'am" I quickly went to the back where my normal seat is and sat down trying to avoid looking at the mysterious boy.

"I'm sorry about that Skylar. Please Continue." The Teacher said to the student well Skylar I Guess his name is... Cute... I Like It...

Skylar turned around to the chalk bored and started writing a list down.. Of what? I couldn't see so I just slouched down into my seat ignoring everyone wanting to just be back at home...

I looked up after a while and saw that Skylar had stopped and moved and I saw that it was a list of.. Well it looked like a list of somethings about someone.. I'm guessing it was a list of things about him... But Why Didn't He Just Say All That?

That's when I Read the list...

Things About Me:

I Like Drawling..

I'm Bisexual

I'm Mute

I like dogs/puppies

I Have a few piercings..

I was adopted


And That Was The List... So.. He's Mute... Well that's a bummer....

So he put the piece of chalk down and looked at the teacher.

"You may take a seat beside Kyle, The one who rudely interrupted you." Said the teacher as Skylar looked over the class and headed for the empty seat beside me.

I felt a small blush arise on my cheeks as he stood in the middle of the chairs and stared at me for a bit before sitting down.

I kept looking over at him sneaking little peaks every once in a while during class.. I couldn't help it.. he's gorgeous...

Once the bell rang signalling it was lunch time I quickly stood up and headed out of the class needing to get out of there as soon as possible.

I was at my locker again taking out more books and putting some in but that's when I noticed someone was staring at me... I turned around to see whom it was and I saw him...

He Just stared at me.. not moving just starring. His head was tilt a little to the side his mouth was glued shut and his eyes were just staring into mine.

Another soft blush arise my cheeks as he step closer getting a better view of me and I slowly backed into the lockers trying to look away but I just couldn't...

He took one more step and then just looked down. Before that I did mange to catch a small blush that was on his cheeks.

I chuckled and stepped closer to him no longer as afraid of him as I was before. That's when his head rose back up with a smile. I didn't really smile back but tyred.

Hes Mute.. But When He Says I Love You.. It Sends Shivers Down My Spine..(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now