"See! You know some French!" He chuckles and takes her free hand, bringing it up to his lips.

"May I say something?"


"I cannot wait for our life together." He had asked his mother what Marie said the night before, and she translated it for him.

"How did you figure that out?"

"My mother."

"Remind me to thank her." Again, they settle into silence and just...watch each other. "You are so terribly handsome..." He grins and she cups his chin. "And that smile should be forbidden."

"Why should my smile be forbidden?"

"It's too wonderful...but I love it very much."

"I love...your smile..." He kisses her lips softly, "and your nose..." He pecks her nose, causing her to giggle lightly. "Your neck..." He makes his way down and she shudders. Goosebumps cover her skin as his teeth gently graze the skin. Ever since Harry left her chambers the night before, she hadn't been able to stop feeling...hungry for more. Not necessarily from Harry, but from someone.

"Would anyone know if we were to...disappear for a little while?" He pulls away.

"Where would we disappear to?"

"I don't know...I just want to be with you, without wandering eyes." He smirks, knowingly, and his lips suck on her jawline.

"Perhaps, your chambers? Or mine?"

"I've never seen your chambers." Leopold gets to his feet, then holds his hands out to her and pulls her up.

"I'd be remiss if I didn't give you the full tour of my chambers, princess."

"I think it's best if you were...thorough." They couldn't have made their way back through the castle fast enough. Both so eager to be entirely alone together.

As they approached the doors to his chambers, his guards stepped aside and opened them. "We will be needing privacy, to discuss certain...matters regarding the upcoming nuptials." He feeds them his reasoning, "No visitors or distractions, please." The doors shut behind them and he pulls Marie further inside. 

She's notices that his chambers are three times the size of her own

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She's notices that his chambers are three times the size of her own. "I've been meaning to speak to you about our...living arrangements." She peruses around, taking her time to observe everything.

"Yes, what about them?"

"Besides the King and Queen's chambers, mine are the biggest in the castle...I was hoping that you'd choose to live here, with me—once we are married, of course."

"You mean we wouldn't live in separate quarters?" She teases him, to which he rolls his eyes. His hands pull hers forward until their chests are touching.

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