Fun In The Work Place.

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Kelsey's P.O.V.

"Let's find the bastard then." Catherine spat, eyes burning with fury.

My mouth fell open, that definitely wasn't what I expected. "Wha..."

"Oh come on Kelsey, Did you really think that we would think of you any differently because you happen to have a stalker?" Warrick questioned, looking at me expectantly.

"Well...Kind of." I muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

Catherine and Warrick both chuckled lightly at me. "It wouldn't be the first time one of us has been in this situation. Nick had a stalker a couple of years ago." Catherine explained looking at me warmly.

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. At least they weren't going to treat me like some helpless little girl. "Thank you guys."

"No problem, baby girl." Warrick smiled brightly at me before wrapping me in a his warm embrace.

There wasn't anything romantic about it, it was just two friends hugging but I couldn't help but give Gil a 'What am I supposed to do' look. He gave me a warm smile in return before turning to Catherine. I stepped back from Warrick as he explained to her what he wanted done.

"Look for any fingerprints or DNA. Be careful with the letters, and the boxes. You never know he might of accidentally slipped up and cut himself, or spit and didn't mean to." He stopped only to hold up a hand when Catherine opened her mouth. "I know Cat, I know you know how to do your job but I'm just going over it. Okay?"

Catherine nodded giving Gil a little smirk, no doubt about the compliment he gave her. He looked over at Warrick. "I want you to get DNA from the hearts and try to figure out who they belong to."

"Alright." Warrick said, nodding his head in respect. He knew this was serious to me...and to Grissom.

"Get to work then." With that Grissom walked out of the room and down the hall, headed towards his office would be my bet.

Catherine turned to me a knowing grin graced on her lips. "When did y'all make it official?"

I tried to keep my face as straight as possible. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Warrick snorted. "Bullshit. I could tell from his face. You think I missed the smile he sent you when I was hugging you? Or the look you sent him?"

My eyes widened. "Is it really that obvious?"

They both shook their heads. "Only to those who know you two the best."

"Kinda like with you two?" A third voice asked.

All three of us snapped our heads to the door. Shit. Gil wasn't going to be happy about this.

"Conrad." I said pasting on a fake smile.

"Kelsey." He replied smiling back.

"It's nice to see you after all this time."

He opened his arms. "It sure is. How's your mom doing?"

I walked into his arms gave him a hug before stepping back to answer his question. "She's fine. Asks about you a lot."

His eyes crinkled as they so often do when he smiles. "Really? Well I'll have to give her a call."

I nodded. "She would like that."

He gave me one last smile before turning back into business mode. "No about the relationships going on in this team.."

I stepped back to stand with Catherine and Warrick to wait for him to say that we would have to split up. However it never got that far.

"Conrad if you say anything about splitting us up. I will quit and then you can take it up with the Sheriff." Gil stated as he walked into the room to stand beside me.

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