Part 9 "Love, Rejection or Hurt"

Start from the beginning

Seiko's P.O.V

I hear the slight jingle of keys downstairs and instantly sit up with Naomi clinging onto my upper body. "What do we tell your Mom? With no answer, Naomi shrugged her shoulders. She finally spoke. "She will assume anything if you give her the chance to." Naomi got up and dressed into some clothes, I also got up and got dressed. "What if she assumed that...we...that we are toget-" Naomi interrupted me. "Then we tell her the truth." She spoke with a lack of confidence. "I don't care if she doesn't like that because this is my life and that means no one can control where it takes me, only I can control my feelings and who I fall in love with." She announced. I nodded again. Naomi stood a meter away from me and let out her hand for me to take it. I smiled and took it without hesitation. We walked across the room and headed out of her bedroom door hand in hand. We reached the top of the stairs and proceeded to go down them. We let go of each others hands and I followed close behind her until she came to a halt.

"Morning, Mom." Naomi mumbled. "Hey, Naomi, you ok?" She yawned. She doesn't seem angry about what had happened, maybe she has forgotten about it. "Naomi...i'm sorry." Natsumi spoke. Naomi turned to face me with a confused expression. "Wh...why?" Naomi stuttered. "I should have knocked before I entered but I assumed that you two were awake so I..." Natsumi paused and looked away from us. "Mom its ok, it wasn-" Naomi stopped when her Mom looked back at us. "Are you two together." Natsumi asked. Both me and Naomi stood there shocked not knowing what to say, a sentence is repeated inside of my head reminding me of the consequences. Love, Rejection or Hurt. It was time to make that decision. "Well are you?" She asked again. Naomi looked at me again as if to get an answer. Before I could say anything, Naomi spoke. "Y...Yes." Naomi whispered with tears falling slowly. "Naomi, as long as you are happy then I will be there for you as always, nothing will change, ok." Natsumi reassured. "You haven't said this to anyone have you?" Naomi said concerned. "I haven't and I won't, cross my heart." Natsumi smiled with fingers crossed. I didn't expect Natsumi to take this so well, yesterday night, I thought she was going to go mental on us.

Natsumi looked puzzled at us both as if something was bothering her. "There is one question that I have to ask though." Natsumi spoke. Me and Naomi exchanged glances wondering what it could possibly be. "What about the 'Mochida' boy you used to talk on about, Naomi?" Natsumi asked. it was up to Naomi to answer because I never liked Satoshi in lovey-dovey type of way. Naomi spoke of the talk that she had with Ayumi. By the end of that, Naomi looked a bit tired from all that talking. "So does Mochida know about you two?" Natsumi asked again. I rubbed my neck proceeded to talk. "Well Satoshi kinda umm...saw u-" I stopped as soon as I saw Natsumi nodding at me. "Yeah I know where this is going." Her voice trailed off. Naomi looked at me and started to blush. An awkward silence followed after that answer. "Right, so what are you two doing today?" She asked in a chirpy tone. Naomi shrugged her shoulders and glanced at me, to this I also shrugged. "What about you Miss Nakashima?" I said with a smile. "Shopping and work again." She groaned. Before I could say anything, Natsumi spoke again. "Am I making this really awkward for you guys with all these questions, sorry if I am." She asked

"No no, not at all Miss Nakashima." I assured her with a smile. She nodded and smiled before getting up off of the sofa. "Well I better be off now before the shops get over run with Saturday shoppers." She walked past us and headed up stairs , a minute later or so, she came down with a coat, purse and phone. "See you later." Natsumi called to us as she went out the door. As she left we both sat down on the couch next to each other. "So what are we going to do today, I mean we could always go see the others like Yoshiki, Mayu, Ayumi or Morishige." I asked but she just shrugged. "I'll go ring Mayu then if that's ok." I added. She nodded this time. I walked out of the room with my phone in my hand, I stood just outside the living room and rang her number. It didn't take too long for her to pick up, the conversation didn't last too long either. I walked back into the living room to tell Naomi what she had said. "What did she say?" Naomi spoke. "She wants us to meet her at the park." I answered. I quickly went up stairs to brush my teeth, hair and wash my face, I proceeded downstairs again to find Naomi waiting patiently for me. We both put on our shoes and headed outside.

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