Chapter 1 : Cut The Act Will You?

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Sam's POV


I slammed my alarm off. How I hate that alarm, but no matter how much I hate it I still have to thank Kurt for giving me this alarm as my birthday gift. His voice always succeed to wake me up. And it always made me think if this alarm is a birthday gift or just another thing Kurt gave me for a prank.. well Get ready Kurt.. I can't wait until you see my birthday gift for you.

I jumped down from my bed and suddenly felt dizzy and my sight got blurred. I hold on to my comforter and sat on my bed until my vision back to normal and my head stop spinning. It took me 10 minutes until I can see everything normally, but when I got up, I started to sneezed like I was in the north pole. And that means I can't mess around Kurt's apartment and record another cover with Vari today. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Well it had both side of it

The good side is, Kurt and Vari will have more time together without interruption (well my appearance didn't count as interruption, I'd rather called myself as their Cupid). Well I hope Riley went out and get lost ( okay that's too much, but I'll pray for anything to happen just to make sure Kurt and Vari alone). But the bad side is, have to deal with this cursed flu! And I blame Kurt for anything happen to me today even though he got nothing to do with it. Well I just love to blame him on everything.


Okay this must been the millionth time I sneezed this morning! I have to call Kurt and tell him that I am sick. Wait, he'll laugh at me when he finds out that I can't come to his apartment. So I decided to call Vari.

After a couple tone she picked up her phone

" Hello " well, that's not Vari's voice, it's Kurt

"Kurt? What are you doing with Vari's phone?" I sneezed and blow my nose. I know it's disgusting but I can't help it.

"she asked me to pick it. So what's up" he said. I'm about to ask him whaat did they do that makes Vari can't pick her own phone, but I was cut ny own sneeze.

"I don't think I can come today. I caught flu and I can't move from my bed." I said

"well then, have some rest and don't forget to take some medicine" Kurt said. I don't know what happen to him. Never in a million years Kurt tell me to take medicine when I was sick. All he ever did is laughing at me and keep his distance from me so he didn't catch my virus.

"what about the sudden motherly advice? Vari changed you!"

"Hey! She had nothing to do with this. Well see you then"

"bye" with that I hung up the phone.

After I hung up, I decided to made some soup for myself. How I wish in time like this I had someone who would took care of me. I brushed that thought off and back to my cooking.

I finished all my soup in 15 minutes and after that I decided to change my clothes and spend the day watching TV alone since none of my roomates left for a week. I pressed the remote t change the channel over and over again yet I didn't find a good show to watch, so I turned the TV off and went to my room looking for my phone. A tweet spree with my lovely fans would make me feel better for sure.

As I was in my room looking for my phone, I notice my old scrapbook and the next thing I know, I was sitting on the floor looking at my old drawings and honestly it made me realize how I missed spending hours and hours drawing. I found that I have a couple pages empty so I decided to draw the view from my balcony.

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