"Keep running!" Leon shouted as a swarm of villagers stalked towards them.

"Where do we go now?" Gwen asked as she recognized the area they were in.

"Remember that door the villagers used earlier? The key has the same insignia as the one on it. Maybe the key will unlock it."

"It's worth a try. Grab the key from your pocket now. We won't have much time to try and open the door if these bastards keeping multiplying." Gwen grabbed her gun as they ran to the door with the red insignia.

While Leon worked on the door, Gwen shot any cultists too close for comfort. She was low on ammo and wasn't sure how much longer she could hold them off. "Leon!"

"Got it!" The blonde declared, grabbing Gwen's arm and pulling her into the building. He slammed the door shut and locked it. The villagers banged against the heavy metal door, but it didn't budge.

The midnight-haired woman leaned against a nearby table to catch her breath. "Holy shit..."

"How many people live in this damn village?" Leon huffed as he leaned against the wall.

"Don't know, but I can't wait to get out of here and back home," Gwen sighed.

The duo, after taking a small break, headed to the back room. They discovered the underground tunnel they'd been searching for. Gwen peered down the tunnel, seeing the faint glow of candles. "'Bout damn time we finally found it."

Leon jumped down and was followed by the archivist. As they walked through the tunnel, Gwen ran her hand across the damp walls, enjoying the feel of the cool water droplets cascading down the stone. The candles decorating small alcoves in the wall lit their way down a stairwell and to another door. Their friend, the merchant, was standing by the door, ready to sell them whatever he had in stock. "Welcome back, strangers," the man's rough voice responded with a chuckle.

"Do you have a name?" Gwen curiously ponders, eyes slightly narrowed as she waited for a response.

"I'm just a simple merchant, stranger."

"You look like a drug dealer..." Gwen murmured to herself.

"Anything good?" Leon asked the mysterious merchant.

"I've got some rare items in stock," the man grinned under the fabric, revealing what was under his robe. "Take a look."


"I can't believe you actually bought a gun from him," Gwen scoffed as they climbed out of a stone coffin in a small mausoleum.

"Hey," Leon said, holding up the rifle he just bought. "It's a good gun and in superb condition. Compared to what I would've paid for it in the states, this was a steal."

"You pilfered the money to buy that from dead bodies. You're a modern day pirate, Leon," the young woman stated.

"Does that make you the princess I've captured?" Leon teased, resting the rifle on his shoulder.

"Oh, please," Gwen rolled her eyes. "I'm nowhere near being a princess. I'm pretty sure princesses are elegant and have beauty far beyond comparison. They also live in castles, which are twenty times bigger than my apartment."

"All you're missing is the castle," Leon remarks.

Gwen felt her heart flutter in her chest. Her cheeks ignited a soft red as she smiled gently. "You're the biggest flirt in the world, you know that?"

"I try my best," Leon smiled back.

Walking through the cemetery, the agents stared at the rows of tombstones. Two villagers were wandering around, but they had yet to spot the couple. They snuck past the men and up the path. The church came into view as the men in the courtyard detected them. Gwen clicked her tongue, whipping out her pistol and shooting the enemies. She was able to kill them, but her gunfire alerted the villagers in the cemetery. Leon used his own handgun to kill the assailants before they could attack.

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें