ToonieVilla 1 (Also some Nesscas and LinkPit)

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This is for PKFreezeAlpha!  Because she's amazing! :3

 I walk into the strange building before me. It's huge! So this is Smash Mansion, huh? Interesting....

I hold my ax close to my chest. "This should be fun..." I think aloud.

"Yeah, Super Smash Brothers is a fun game." Says a voice behind me.

I turn around and see two boys- one with black curly hair under a red and blue hat with purple eyes. He's wearing a blue and yellow striped shirt with light blue denim shorts. The other  boy is wearing a dorky green tunic with a dorky green hat and dorky brown boots. He has short blond hair in the back, it looks like, but has a really long chunk of hair to the right of his face. He also has huge-ass eyes, which freaked me out for a bit but I quickly got used to them. He had a pretty pleasant face after I got used to the eyes.

"Hey, aren't you Villager? I saw you on the list for the Smash this time around." The dorky one asked when they walked up to me.

"Yeah. You are?" I asked shyly.

"I'm Toon Link. You can call me TL or Toonie. You've probably seen or heard of my brother Link. He looks like me, just taller and a lot more detailed." The dorky green goblin says. I think I've seen his brother, actually.

"And I'm Ness. My game is older that both of yours -his was also around 2002, as your game was- so you've probably heard of me." He flipped his hair like a girl. "I was in Smash 64 after all! Anyway, want us to show you around?"

"Sure...!" I say, though a bit hesitant.

They start walking into the huge entrance of the mansion and I follow them. As we're walking, I strike up a conversation.

"So... which Smash is this?"

"Some people call this Smash 4, if that answers your question." TL explained. Then he waved his hands in the air in exaggeration, "But it's formally called Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS!" His expression showed boredom.

"Wow, how creative" I laugh

"Yup. It's so lame. I mean you've got plenty of cooler choices!" Ness said

"Weird and completely random and off topic question," I start and they look back to me. "So uh... how old are you?"

"I'm 12, he's 13." Ness says. "You?"

"12 as well." I smile and see them jump.

"Excuse us." TL says apologetically. "But... you look kinda creepy when you smile...."

My face dropped. "Yeah, I know. I get it all the time." I look back at them and see that they looked really sad and apologetic. "B-but it's ok!! You're fine!" I quickly add.

"Ok... sorry." Ness says.

"It's fine, really, it is." I assure him. I change the subject. "So what's so special about you guys that you got into Smash?"

"Well, as you can tell, I'm a Link." TL said.

"Well why are you- this SPECIFIC Link -here?" I ask

"Well... I can control nature, I guess." He takes out a little wand but Ness smacks it out of his hand. (Btw I've never played Wind Waker -though I want to- so, sorry, and correct me if I'm wrong on something)

"No no no, we don't need to get into trouble again" Ness says. He gives it back to TL. "Well, I have magic abilities! And a bat and yo-yo... that's cool too!"

"Magic, you say?" I pry.

"Yup! Magic." He steps back and tells us to do the same. "PK FIRE!" He shouts, and a pillar of fire comes up from the ground. "It's more like psychic abilities, though. That's why I shout 'PK' before my attacks. Stands for psychokinesis."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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