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Chad walked through the depot, his blue eyes searching for supplies. He needed it quickly, the rest of the group was waiting for him at the hospital. That's their usual hiding spot whenever they get to Seattle. "Why couldn't everybody just have a baseball bat or a spear, they're so much easier to find," Chad sighed. He had to find ammunition, arrows, new blankets, and other things for the rest of the group and himself. "So 'needy'," he thought.

Soon, after he had found everything, he dreaded heading to the front of the store. There waiting for him was Lana, the one needing all the ammunition. Walking towards her she was dead silent... Lana was normally pretty loud. Chad immediately knew what was wrong.

Without breaking eye contact, they carefully, and quietly pulled out there weapons. A GX was right behind the groups truck Chad had drove to the depot.

"On 3," Lana mouthed to the older member. Chad nodded in reply, counting to 3 in his head, drawn out and slow.

As soon as Lana aimed her gun. Chad had his spear already flying through the air towards the GX. With the GX crying out in pain from the spear, thrust through half there torso, Lana quickly shuffled to the body, finishing it off with a shot to the head.

Lana, Chad, Drake, Lizzy, and everybody in there group had been through enough to know how to not hesitate when killing a GX. They all knew they were dangerous, and if anything happened to even one of there members it would probably be devastating. Everyone had something to offer to the group to help them survive, they were even almost big enough to be a clan.

Without looking back, she strode back to the truck hoping in the back, waiting for Chad to drive off.

"Why do you always sit in the back, Mark isn't here," he said, not taking his eyes of the deserted streets.

"It's perty comfy, especially without anyone else back here. I can take a nap! By the wayyy whats the deal with you and Ross? Ya seem to be getting kinda 'close'," Lana asked quoting with her fingers.

"Well one, don't fall asleep, I need you to watch the rear...Kae took the mirror. Two, there's nothing with me and Ross, we're just good friends," Chad said, trying to get Lana to somewhat lay off the subject and stay awake.

"Damn mirror..." Lana quietly muttered.


Mark and Allen met the two outside the hospital they had occupied, waiting to carry in supplies. Lana practically bounced out of the car and jumped into the arms of 'her boy', Mark Meline.

Mark was a nice guy, protective of Lana, here for the group, and a strong guy. Also, he's got a robotic left hand, it's pretty useful. Allen, his best friend, and himself had been in an accident when they were 15. They happened to be in Seattle, where they found the testing hospital that they still use today-in result of the accident Allen lost his arm, and Mark his hand. In this hospital they found dozens of robotic body parts, they soon found a way to fit the artificial limbs.

"Long time no see," Allen 'joked' to the two, they had been out for almost two days, "Did you get my arrows?" he asked. "Yea, yea, why can you have a baseball bat like Lizz?" Chad said, grabbing the last of the things from the truck.

After a drawn out hug from Mark and Lana, the four made there way inside, locking the chain linked gate.


Inside, Roselyn, aka Ross, ran to embrace Chad immediately, her crimson eyes looking for any wounds or blood on her 'friend'. 2 years ago, Chad and Drake found Ross, she was just 13. And just being 13 she got really attached to Chad, probably more protective of him than anyone else.

The strawberry blonde nudged her off, I mean he loved Ross, but not in the way he comes off as. "Hey Ross, everyone holding tight?" Chad rhetoricly asked. This time up in Seattle, the group was going to Olympia. Olympia was going to be there new home. 19 hours of walking to get there.

“Yup,” said Kae, while the others nodded. Lizzy and Kae were found not to long after Drake came across Allen, who had been caught following Chad around in Portland. Lizzy and Kae were making noise with a generator, to start up a freezer. For chicken nuggets. That's all they wanted.


When Lizzy was little, she was in a sort of accident. An accident that left her right eye gone. She doesn't like to talk about it, but she had killed the kid who had played part in it. Ad just a mere 7 years old.

Kae was just another student at Lizzys and her old school. Lizzy had spotted her blood soaked blonde hair in a small lot, and they had stuck together since.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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