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My name is Kimiko Kuran and I am Kaname's older twin.

I was hidden by my parents a long time ago.

Afraid that I might destroy everything.

I was not abused or anything.

They only locked me up in a room full with nothing but Darkness.

He was known, But I'm not

He was loved, But I'm not

He was an amazing person, But I'm not

I am in Pain, But his not

I am Alone, But his not

I am Forgotten, But his not

Everything he has was the same opposite that I have.

We were different yet similar.

I was told by someone that my existence was a threat.

I bring misfortunes to everyone around me.

They said I was Dangerous because of the Curse that HE gave me.

They told me NOT to See HIM.

They told me NOT to Leave this house, A house without a window.

They told me NOT to Speak.

They told me NOT to Touch.

They told me NOT to See.

They told me NOT to Love

They told me NOT to be Myself.

And that they told me that I must live myself in Isolation.

They told me that I must obey them, But my Heart says not to.

I am a like Bird who is locked inside a cold lone cage.

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