Author's note

6.1K 95 32

10 thousand views!!

In just over two months my book has been read over 10 thousand times and I could honestly cry!

Books have been one of my favourite hobbies ever since I can remember. Trying to survive in a reality that wasn't nearly as pink as all the fairytales portrayed I found my strength in books, roaming through those magical pages I was taken away to all these new universes and for a second everything was happy again. I was the book that would read one book per week and at some point, I started writing books as well.
Writing became one of my favourite hobbies before I could even understand what a hobbit really was and I never looked back from that. From small poems to elaborate books, or at least drafts of said books, every time I go through my notebooks or search my old laptop and memory sticks I am sure to find a new text here and there.

It was on one of those walks through memory lane, also known as the laptop I kept from the age of 12 to 17, that I found this book, stacked in an old folder, hidden to never see the light of day. You see, up until a couple of years ago no one would have read my work as I always felt I wasn't good enough, no matter how much I loved a piece of writing I would've always kept it away from the public fearing it wouldn't be liked by anyone apart from me.

However, Wattpad changed my mentality of any text at all being "not good", after years of reading and writing I finally made up my mind that any piece of writing is good cause that's a universe someone created. In someone's mind there was a story and they found a way to put it in words to share it with the world, that's art!

After coming to that conclusion it didn't take me long to make the decision to publish this book. I must admit, I was still a little reticent at first, fearing it would be the same story everyone else had already written and read, but people kept reading and voting on it and that made my day.

Now to the sappy part of the post, yes, that up there was nothing compared to what's coming now.

I have a few people I need to thank.

The readers, I don't know who you are and I cannot know for sure where you're from, I have a list of possibilities though and I love to see that map get coloured every day, I love you! Thank you for taking your time to read this old story of mine! Thank you for those who voted on their favourite chapters, or all of them to be fair! And thank you for all the comments, I so wish there were more of them cause they totally make my day!

Thank you to those that added this book to their reading lists! I always have so much fun scooping through every single one of them to see what other books are there and let me tell you, I have found some gems!

Thank you to the people that left messages on my board saying how much they liked my book and to those who shared it with their followers. You are the best and I love you all!

And lastly thank you to my little sis on here! My lovely, you already know all I have to tell you, but just is the rest of the world knows here it goes, also grab the tissues.
You made me passionate about writing again and were my biggest fan from day one. I could always count on you to leave me a message to say how big the viewer count was getting and how proud you were of me and honestly the same applies to you. You're a great writer and now that you've convinced me to publish my work and promoted it so many times you can bet that I won't stop nagging you until you publish that awesome story you've been keeping under wraps. I am so ready to be your hype woman hahaha. Anyway, thank you for being there for everything I needed, I love you forever and will always be here as well ❤️

That being said, thank you again to everyone for the 10K, if I could hug all of you to thank you I would!!

Always love,
Mel x

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