My R

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Midoriya POV:

I stood on the middle school's rooftop, looking down on the other students walking home and letting the fresh air blow in my face.

Not a single one of them would care if I jumped now. Heck, they would probably celebrate it.

I took in the view as I was was about to take my last breaths on this godforsaken world where people like me 一 people without quirks 一 were not welcome.

They were seen as worthless good for nothings. No one cared about the quirkless kids. Not even the teachers. They saw me getting beat up dozens of times by Kacchan, but they just kept minding their own business and acted like they didn't see anything.

Looking back at it now, from the rooftop where I'm standing on, I found it hilarious to think that before Kacchan had gotten his quirk, we were once really close. We went outside to play together almost everyday but everything changed when he developed his quirk and I was deemed hopeless.

That was when the bullying had started. Somehow, everyone in my class had heard about it and started teasing me.

First it was all harmless, like someone would throw paper at me in class, not very unusual for kindergartners, but then it got worse.

They would start getting more and more violent until I had new bruises every single day.

I don't know how I made it to keep all this from my mother for almost 10 years now, but I just never brought up the courage to talk to her about it. I knew it would break her, after all, raising me on her own must have been really tough. I simply couldn't bare it to make her worry about me.

She was the only person I had kept going for this long, but since I wasn't able to talk about any of this, I had to find another way to cope.

I just wanna stop the scars that grow every time that I go home 一 that's why I came up here instead.

I had thought about this moment so many times before.

Would I be afraid?

Was it going to hurt?

I had asked myself so many questions over the years but I had never gotten this far.

This ready.

I let out a small sigh, knowing that these were going to be my last few moments.

I wanted this. 

Now is the time to show that them that my life belongs to me and no one else.

I am in control.

For once in my life, I can make a choice. Not for anyone but myself.

I took deep breaths as I slowly took off my shoes, placing them neatly behind the fence.

I took out a small sheet of paper of my pocket. I hadn't bothered to write a suicide note since I didn't owe anyone an explanation. Everyone would know the reason.

I was quirkless.

It really was a miracle that I had made it to my 14th birthday. The people didn't know the tormenting I had gone through up until now. They simply didn't care.

But thinking about my mom, even she would know why I did it but there was one thing I always had wanted to do. Apologize. She deserved so much better than this.

Too late now, I guess.

I looked down again; by now most everyone else had left the school grounds. It was time.

The last thing I remembered was taking a final step forward and losing all ground under my feet.

Then falling.

I looked up to the sky my whole way down which felt like an eternity, but I couldn't think about anything else than the moment everything would be over.

And finally 一 hitting the hard cement. A sharp pain shot through my entire body making me want to scream in pain but my throat didn't make a sound. Eventually everything went numb and darkness took over my vision.

I wish I hadn't been such a useless Deku...


How did you guys like the first chapter of my Villain!Deku story? I had a lot of fun writing it. 

If any of you have quirk ideas you'd like to share, I'm struggling with finding some good ones so please let me know!

Defective / BNHA / Villain!Deku / Nomu!DekuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora