How You Met

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* Eddie Brock/Venom: he saved you from being killed and you bandaged his cuts up at the hospital.

* Tony Stark/Ironman: When Pepper became head of Stark Industries, Tony gored you as his new assistant and after Pepper broke things off with Tony, you got him through the heartbreak. Which caused a romance to spark.

* Steve Rogers/Captain America: You jumped in front of a bullet to save him when word got out that SHIELD was being run by HYDRA. You nearly died and Steve wanted to make sure you lived because he couldn't have your death on his shoulders.

* Bruce Banner/Hulk: You were Pepper's assistant and she put you in charge of Tony so he wouldn't do anything stupid. You met Bruce while Tony was working with him.

* Clint Barton/Hawkeye: He coaxed you out of killing him and he recruited you into the Avengers.

* Thor: You were a servant in the Asgard palace and were also trained in combat. Thor helped you better your fighting skills and the training caused a strange attraction that ended up in late night affairs behind Odin and Frigga's backs.

* Loki: When he attacked New York, you were one of his victims. He thought you were so breathtaking that he wanted you for himself.

* Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldiers: You two locker eyes in a bar and couldn't ignore each other after. You two spent a long, realest night together before you left early in the morning before he could. After that, he knew he had to go and find you.

* King T'Challa/Black Panther: You are a Wakandan warrior. You grew up together in the palace.

* Wade Wilson/Deadpool: You were Vanessa's enemy but you had a HUGE crush on Wade since middle school. After Vanessa died, you sent him cookies and was really kind to him. Those cookies were what brought him to your back door. No, Wade was literally at your back door demanding you make him some more of your cookies.

* Logan/Wolverine: He saved your life and you are indebted to him.

* Johnny Storm/Human Torch: You were a friend of Susan's growing up and you became an officer for the military. You and Johnny hated each other growing up (you being the only girl he didn't want to shove his youngest down) but after all these years, Johnny could not help but chase you.

* Peter Parker/Spider-Man: you are in several classes together at school.

* Peter Quill/Starlord: You had stowaway on his ship to get away from your abusive boyfriend who, later on, tracked you down and nearly killed you. Peter saved you.

* Sam Wilson/Falcon: Natasha is indebted to you and she managed to get you on the Avengers team. Sam liked what he saw when you walked into the room.

* Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver: He saves you from being crushed by a building and you kissed him to thank him.

* Scott Lang/Antman: you shared a prison cell for a while but had to be separated for obvious reasons ;)

* Dr. Stephan Strange: He saved your life when you were dying of starvation. He gave you food and water and a nice bed to sleep in for a night. But you know what they say, "if you feed them they will come back."

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