Chapter 25: The One?

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The One?

AS THE MORNING SUN shone, Jude groaned as Eloise shifted in her sleep, elbowing him in the ribs as she turned away from the intensity of the light. Eloise's blonde hair fell on his chest, and some strands got into his nose, making Jude sniff a bit before sneezing out loud. Eloise jolted at the sound, only to regret the decision as her core stung with every movement.

"Oh my god," she huffed, falling back into the bed. Jude's eyes squinted open, but he preferred to shut them close, pulling her into his embrace. "Wanna nap a little more?" he asked, but Eloise shook her head.

"Luisa serves breakfast sharp at eight. If we don't reach, we don't get breakfast," she spoke. The couple looked at the clock to see it was fifteen past seven. Jude hummed, getting up, removing the sheets from his body and then his girlfriend's. He winced seeing the blue marks on her neck and breasts and felt bad.

"Come on, let's freshen up. I'll run you a bath." Jude swiftly put his hands under her figure, lifting her into his arms with ease. Eloise yelped but snuggled into his chest.

Jude carried her to the bathroom, setting her down gently on sink where they both brushed their teeth and the with the same swiftness Jude picked her up and made her sit at the edge of the tub. He turned on the water, adjusting the temperature before filling the tub. "You relax, and I'll take care of everything," he said, kissing her forehead.

Eloise sighed contentedly, watching him. "You know, you don't have to do all this. I can manage."

Jude shook his head. "Nonsense. You deserve to be pampered." He gently undressed her, easing her into the warm water. He climbed in behind her, pulling her back against his chest. His hands moved to her neck, massaging the tension away. "I'm sorry if I was too rough last night," he whispered, kissing her neck.

Eloise leaned into his touch, relaxing against him. "It's okay, Jude. I just need a little rest."

Jude continued to massage her neck, his fingers working out the knots. He moved to her scalp, lathering the shampoo and gently washing her hair. Eloise closed her eyes, almost dozing off again.

"Hey, don't fall asleep on me," Jude teased, kissing the back of her head.

Eloise smiled sleepily. "Your hands are magical, you know that?"

Jude chuckled, rinsing the shampoo out of her hair. "Glad you think so."

After their bath, they dried off and headed to the sink. Eloise watched as Jude shaved, his expression focused. "Can I do it for you?" she asked.

Jude laughed. "You're a little short for that, babe."

Eloise pouted. "I can manage."

Jude chuckled and lifted her up, setting her on the counter. "Alright, let's see what you've got."

Eloise giggled, trimming his beard and then applying shaving foam. "Hold still," she instructed, gliding the razor over his skin. "You trust me with this?"

"Completely," Jude said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Eloise carefully finished shaving him, then applied his eczema lotion. "There, all done," she said, kissing his nose.

Jude smiled, feeling the cool relief of the lotion. "Thanks, El."

Eloise made grabby hands, asking him to put her down, which he laughed at and did. "You're such a baby," she teased.

They dressed and headed to the breakfast table. Eloise wore a pink summer dress again kept there by Luisa, her hair flowing in loose waves. Jude donned a shirt and a beige Louis Vuitton trousers, he was in love with the pair and wished to own it. As they arrived, there were hushes about the marks Jude had left on Eloise, so visible for everyone to see. Elisa and Jobe exchanged glances while Hermes looked disapprovingly at Vera, knowing exactly how this happened. Jude smirked, knowing pretty well what everyone was looking at, while Eloise blushed a bit.

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