Pebble Beach

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"There she is!" Zoe said with a smile as Emelia walked into the restaurant. "Look, baby boy! It's your cousin!"

Emelia bounded up to Zoe, slowing her movements right down when she realised that her aunt was holding her baby son in her arms. Emelia leaned in, and brushed her finger gently against the baby's cheek, before looking up at Zoe and smiling.

"He's so cute!"

Zoe grinned. Dianne and Joe walked hand-in-hand towards her. "Sorry we're late," Dianne said, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. "Parking was a challenge."

Joe rolled his eyes. "Understatement. Brighton parking is rubbish. Anyway, hello." Zoe stood up and hugged her brother with one hand, cradling her son in the other. Joe looked down and smiled. "My god he's got so big. Can I?"

He held out his arms for Zoe to pass over the baby. "Hiya mate." Joe said, grinning down at his nephew. "What have you been up to? You gonna tell Uncle Joe all about it?"

Dianne sat down between Zoe and Emelia, not taking her eyes off Joe.

"Seeing him with a baby is so strange" Zoe whispered, noticing the way Dianne was transfixed.

She nodded. "It's making me all broody. Ah, look at him."

Joe sat down, holding his nephew up and supporting his head, as he addressed Zoe. "He looks so much like dad."

Zoe looked over at her brother, and her son. "Do you think so? All I see is Alfie."

"I can see Alfie's nose, definitely. But he's got Dad's chin. And they're definitely Sugg eyes."

Emelia reached out to touch the baby's chubby hand. He instinctively wrapped it around her finger. Emelia gasped and turned towards Dianne, smiling. "Look."

"I know, Peanut. Isn't he gorgeous?"

Emelia grinned. "Yep. When are you and Joe going to have a baby?"

Dianne almost choked on her breath. Emelia hadn't even paused before asking that question. She looked over at Joe, who was blushing furiously and not making eye contact. "I don't know. Sometime."

"Sometime... soon?" Emelia asked. Zoe winked across at her.

"It would be lovely if Angus had a little mate to play with. And then we can get Emelia to babysit them both" Zoe suggested to Dianne.

"I think that's a wonderful idea". Emelia smiled angelically at Dianne, who laughed and shook her head.


"Zoe, come on my team!" Emelia called across from her position at the air hockey table. After their lunch, Joe had suggested that they all visit the pier and play in the arcade. Alfie- who had been in a meeting all morning- had joined them there.

Zoe smiled and turned to Dianne. "Can you watch Angus?"

"Of course."

Zoe walked over to Emelia. "Girls vs Boys? Let's do this." She held out her hand for Emelia to high five as she grinned at Alfie and Joe.

Dianne watched on, casually pushing Angus back and forth in his pram. "Hey little man" she said with a smile, noticing the little boy was awake. "How was your sleep?"

Angus' tiny hands were balled into light fists as he raised his arms up above his head. He gurgled- a familiar sound. Instinctively, Dianne grabbed a muslin from the bag hung on the front of the handle, slung it over her shoulder and picked her nephew up. "Alright, buddy. You got bubbles in your belly?" She held him against her body, patting and rubbing his back lightly as she shuffled from one foot to the other. "You were a hungry boy, baby Deyes. Did you get some air in your bottle?" Her voice had changed, reverted back to the voice she used when Emelia was little. She kissed his head, breathing in the unique baby scent she had missed so much. It was like stepping back in time by seven years. Her body was flooded with familiar hormones.

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