Zephyr and the Night-Light

Start from the beginning

He slowly sniffed her hand and walked further until his snout touched her hand. Zephyr gasped in full enthusiasm. The dragon than warbled equally happy as he jumped on her, his movement was so sudden she lost her balance and fell on her back while laughing and embracing the dragon that licked her face.

"You like me!" She said. "I think you need a name..."

The dragon escaped her embrace and went to the ground, stopping to look at her as if he was waiting for the girl to follow him. Zephyr promptly stood up and ran after him, but she only got a few steps further until Stormfly grabbed and lifted her by the shirt.

"Come on, Stormfly! Let me play with Night-Light!" The tiny dragon growled at the Nadder. "No, don't be mad at her! She not hurting me."

Stormfly slowly put her down. Although Stormfly still didn't let her go too far, both girl and baby dragon played under the watchful eyes of the Nadder.


Hiccup closed the door behind him and sighed heavily. Astrid was sitting on the ground near Nuffink and looked up to her husband.

"Was it that bad?"

"It's amazing how stubborn Vikings can nag for hours..." He ran a hand through his hair. "They can be way worse than kids... Or dragons on rampage..." He finished with a small smile, half-joking, which made his wife giggle. Then his face became more serious again, his voice became sad. "I don't know how he did it... He made it looks so easy... It was so natural for him..."

"Hiccup..." Her voice was soft as she stood up and walked in his direction.

"Sorry, it's just... I miss him in days like this. I've seen him breaking up some arguments just by glaring at the Vikings." He chuckled at the memory. "He was so imposing... But of course, a man of his size can be a little scary." 

"Hum... I don't know, I guess you're as tall as he was... maybe it was the helmet, or the beard..." She shrugged jokingly, knowing that it wasn't was he had meant.

"Very funny..." He grabbed her by the waist to pull her closer. "But you know, I was thinking in growing a beard..."

"I'm not complaining." She kissed him. "By the way, if you prefer, the Chieftainess can break them up next time."

"You're going to break up the Vikings or the fighting?"

"What is the difference?" She laughed and it was his turn to kiss her. "Please, let me go next time, I'm dying for some action... And Nuffink is driving me crazy... He's been crying a lot for every little thing, Zephyr couldn't take it..."

"Where is she, by the way?"

"I let Stormfly take her to your mother's."


"Yeah, why?"

"It's just that I've seen mom walking in the village a few minutes ago and she was alone..." He said and Astrid got pale as she widened. Before she could say anything, he continued. "Don't worry, she probably left her with your parents. I'll go check and bring Zef back."

With one last kiss, he left the house.

He quickly walked to the place he's last seen his mother; to his surprise and worry she told him she hasn't seen Zephyr or Stormfly all day. He went after Astrid's parents, only to have his concern grows, as their answer was the same: no sign of Zephyr.

He ran around the village, calling his daughter and asking people if they had seen her lately, trying his best not to look or sound as desperate as he was, it was too soon to startle everyone, yet. He didn't even want to think about calling a search party...

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