"Set so, when the clock is like this-" Smee was pretending to be a clock with hands to help explain.

"Peter Pan will be blasted out of Neverland... Forever!" Hook laughed at this misfortune.

"NO!" Cherry and Wendy cried together.

"You can't do that!" Cherry cried, looking devastated.

"Oh, of course I can," Hook grabbed Cherry by her collar and dangled her. He then took out his watch as it got closer to 6:00. "We have 18 seconds, 15 seconds, 13 seconds...."

Cherry put her hands to her face and let out tears as she knew Peter was done for. The final seconds ticked closer and closer, then a large KABOOM was heard from the other side of Neverland. The explosion was so powerful it caused the sea water and ship to shake nearly off course. Cherry bawled like a baby as Wendy held her. They all hung her heads in doom now that Peter Pan was no more.

"And so passeth a worthy opponent." Hook took off his hat.

"Amen." Smee added.

They all did a moment of silence, even if most of the people involved didn't care for Peter's passing. "And now," Hook decided to change the subject. "Which will it be? The pen or the plank?"

"Captain Hook, we will never join your crew." Wendy stated bravely with the Lost Boys, Chris, Pat, Cherry, John and Michael looked back with deep anger.

"As you wish," Hook smirked. "Ladies first, that goes for you ugly Lost Boys too."

"That's Lost GIRLS!" Pat hissed.

"Whatever." Hook rolled his eyes as he made Wendy and Cherry go first.

"Goodbye, boys." Wendy told her brothers, holding Michael. "Be brave, John."

"I shall strive to, Wendy." John said.

"Goodbye Michael." Cherry ruffled up her youngest cousin's hair.

"Goodbye." Michael moaned.

"Come on!" the pirate who cut the rope freeing everyone, took Wendy and Cherry toward the plank. "Get out of the way!"

One of the pirate men tied everyone back to the mast as Cherry and Wendy were on their ways for the plank. The pirates chanted to make them drown as they both walked against their wills. Wendy shed some tears as she knew Peter wasn't coming to their rescue. Both girls fell to their watery graves.

"Wendy! Cherry!" Michael called.

Hook put his ear close to the edge to hear the ill-fated splash. He then frowned as he heard nothing but the air.

"Captain, no splash." Smee told him.

"Not a sound..." Hook wondered.

"Not a blooming ripple." one of the pirates said.

"It's a jinx!" another one said. "That's what it is!"

"No splash..."

The pirates made squabbles over no splashes. We saw down below deck though, Peter was actually alive and well with Tinkerbell. Peter carried Cherry bridal style and Wendy safely stood next to him. Cherry looked up at Peter with a friendly smile and he in return gave her a kiss on the cheek which made her turn bright pink and giggle nervously. Peter hushed her, then they went flying to the top of the mast without being noticed.

"No splash, captain." one of the pirates said.

"So, you want a splash, Mr. Starkey?" Hook asked him with a mischievous smirk. He then grabbed the man by his hook and threw him into the water without warning. "I'LL GIVE YOU A SPLASH! WHO'S NEXT!?" Hook glared at his crew with no mercy.

"You're next, Hook!" Peter called, much to everyone's surprise. "This time you've gone too far!"

"Peter Pan!" The Lost Boys cheered.

"Peter Pan!" John couldn't believe it.

"And Wendy and Cherry!" Michael called, happily.

"It can't be!" Hook gasped.

"It's his blinking ghost what's talkin'!" Smee stammered.

"Say your prayers, Hook!" Peter drew out his sword.

"I'll show you this ghost has blood in his veins!" Hook drawed out his sword to battle the never growing up boy.

Hook and Peter were on for battle, causing Cherry and Wendy to free the Lost Boys, John and Michael. As everyone was free they all looked to see the pirates were coming after them. Hook ordered them to capture everyone else on deck, and the kids quickly ran with all their might. This was certinately not the time to be messing around. The crocodile was in the water, eager to defeat Captain Hook and finally get his dinner.

Cherry climbed up with her cousins as the pirates climbed after them on the ropes. Cherry slid down to them by accident and smiled nervously. "You won't hurt a lady, like a real gentleman, would you?" Cherry batted her eyelashes at the pirate with a blade between his teeth.

"Who ever said you was a lady?" the pirate got out his blade and Cherry flung back in time and Michael's teddy bear dropped a cannon ball on his head.

"Or that you were a gentleman?" Cherry laughed as she met up with everyone to safety.

Everyone was up the ladder with wielded weapons. They all kept their weapons steady with John's orders and unleashed them, making this day into a living nightmare for the thieving pirates. Tinkerbell came to warn them. They all looked up to see Peter was in danger and he wasn't flying as Hook was threatening him. Peter had challenged Hook by taking him down with one hand behind his back, even without flying.

"Don't do it, Peter, it's a trick!" Pat cried.

"I give my word, Hook!" Peter said, then nearly made Hook fall off to the water into the crocodile's mouth. The crock was not happy about that of course and was getting very impatient.

"Fly Peter, fly!" Wendy called as it looked like Peter was really gonna get it now.

"No!" Peter said. "I gave my word!"

Hook was about to finish him off, but Peter leapt up and wrapped the ship's flag around the pirate captain. Hook lost his sword, but Peter swiped it and threatened with it.

"You're mine, Hook!" Peter declared.

Everyone cheered as Peter had tricked Captain Hook yet again.

"Cleave him to the brisket!" Michael cheered.

Cherry smiled bashfully. Peter looked down at her and gave a blow kiss. Cherry grabbed it with her hand and rubbed it on her cheek as she grew pinker than the last time.

"You wouldn't do old Hook in, would you?" Hook asked as he was sweating anxiously and fearing for his life. "I'll go away forever... I'll do anything you say!"

"Well, alright," Peter put the sword down, then back up. "if you say you're a codfish."

"I'm a codfish..." Hook gulped, saying very quietly.

"Louder!" Peter demanded.

"I'M A CODFISH!" Hook screamed out which made everyone sing at his misery.

"Alright Hook," Peter smirked. "You're free to go and never return!" he threw the sword away and turned away.

Hook then grinned as he was about to finally kill Peter off with his hook hand.

"PETER, WATCH OUT!" Cherry cried.

Luckily, Peter already knew and dodged the blow as Hook fell for the water and the crocodile finally swallowed the captain. Unfortunately for him, Hook got out, but the crocodile chased him as Smee and the other pirates were in a life boat, trying to escape from Neverland. The crocodile followed the pirates and finally, peace was restored.

Cherry Meets Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now