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So my name is Alice. I am 17, brunette, captain of every varsity sports team, and the varsity dance team. I live in Miami and I'm one of those skinny girls .

**Alice's POV**

"ALICE GET UP NOW!!" My mom yells. When I was already awake. Actually just getting out of the shower and finishing my morning routine. Today is Thursday. I also hate school.

"I'M UP!" I yell back. I put on some red ripped skinny jeans a white tank top, a black cardigan, and some black skinny jeans. I pull my hair up into a neat bun. I pick up my golden iphone 5s and take a picture. I'm kind o instagram famous. I have 74k followers and I don't know how or why.

I take a full body mirror pic making a kissy face. I caption "thats me im confident."

I go downstairs grab a poptart and leave for school. When i get in my car I get a text.

**Text Convo**

from unknown

Hope your enjoying your freedom. Won'tbe there for long.

To unknown


from unknown

I'd watch it if I were you. Wouldn't want to upset the person that has control over your life.

That definately caught my attention.

from unknown

So, I see I have your attention.BTW those red jeans make your butt look amazing.

**End of Convo.**

I'm officially scared. I hope they don't hurt me. Who am I kidding no one ever wants to hurt me. i'm awesome, right?

I leave for school.

**At School**


My bestfriend yells out my name. I quickly turn around. "Don't yell out my full name like that. Someone is out to get me." I spat at her.

She give one of those 'what you talking about looks' So i show her my text convo from this morning. Her eyes look worried. "Do you think this could be serious?" I shake my head no and my phone buzzes.

from unknown

Oh but this is serious. I'm gunna get you.

My eyes tear up. Why is this happening? Lyss looks at me with sympathy. She hugs me tightly. "Do you think this is real?" She asked.

My phone buzzed again.

from unknown

Oh this is very real. And mind you own business LYSS.

She read it and I bursed out crying

This person could be right near me. And whoever it is, is going to abduct me. When? I have no clue. Where? I have no clie. But they are coming.

**After School**

I walked quickly to car. And quickly drove home. when I got home I recieved a message

from unknown

Meet me at the mall tonight at 8:15 be on time and dont make me come and get you.

I didnt cry. It's 3:00. I have 5 hrs and 15 minutes left. I guess this will be it.

I go into the house and call all of my closest friends and relatives over. When they all get here. My parents question me on whats going on but I don't tell them.

I simply reply with I just want to be with you all as long as I can. They say ok.

I change my clothes into some black swaetpants and a white shirt. With some all white nikes.

I spend my last hours with them as close to everyone as I can. When I look back at the clock I seet that its 7:56 I begin to cry 19 minutes. I have to go. I hug everyone tightly and get my keys. "Where are you going?" My mom says. "I have to go do something. Don't wait up, ok? And don't forget I love you all soo much." "We love you too." Everyone says. And with that i leave.

I get to the mall and 8:13 i walk inside and I'm standing by the waterfall. When suddenly I feel a knife at my side.

"Don't scream. Just walk. If you make any sudden movements or try to scream. I will slit your throat. Got it?" I nod. "Good girl." He walks me towards a car and throws me in. He takes my phone and throws it out of the window to its death.

He turns around an looks at a frightened me and takes off driving. I guess this is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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