Cinnamon Girl

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It was the next day and all I could think about was hearing Peter's voice again. His voice was like music to my ears, a symphony so sweet and taunting I could listen to it forever. The events which took place last night feel like a distant memory or a dream, it was all too surreal. The spot where he kissed my cheek seemed to warm up every time I thought about how his lips felt on my skin, how his breath on my skin gave me goosebumps. The little hairs on my arms stood up as I replayed the whole scene in my head, still not being able to wrap my head around the whole ordeal. The sensations between my legs seemed to call out for him, though he cannot hear as I internally writhe in agony, longing for his touch.

I know I shouldn't have these thoughts about him, but I can't seem to stop them from occurring. I yearn for his touch, for his warm breath on my skin once more, to know what it feels like to be in his embrace, I need his gentle hands to caress my body in the unholiest of ways.

I clutch onto my skirt and tighten my thighs together, trying to shake these dirty thoughts away from my mind, but to no avail; my thoughts were soon overcome with sinful and sexual scenarios involving Peter and I.

Kat and I were out and about today as she insisted that we go check out the local thrift stores to find any 'hidden gems' as she had put it. I sat in the back by the changing rooms, lost in thought as I had Kat's purse with me while she tried on some of the clothes she picked out. She said that us going out into the city might help the day go by faster in case Peter was actually going to call me later.

The waiting is killing me inside, we've been out in the city for what seemed like hours, but it's not even noon yet. I let out a sigh and slouch in my seat feeling utterly bored.

Kat comes out a few moments later wearing a black leather pleated skirt with a black crop top. She walked over to the mirror before turning to me. "What do you think?" She asks as she shows me a 360 view of her new outfit. She honestly looks amazing in everything, mainly because she somehow manages to make the clothes look good even if they're used or torn.

"It looks amazing Kat." I replied with a smile. I think it's really cool how she's able to find so many 'hidden gems' in thrift stores, I guess the old saying is true, 'one man's trash is another man's treasure.' Nevertheless, I'm amazed at how much stuff people can get rid of, there are literally piles upon piles of clothing and shoes in this place, not to mention the never ending tower of children's toys and books. But, I presume it's better to donate to a thrift shop than throwing it all away.


Kat and I make our way back to the dorms after having spent a few more hours thrift store hopping. In all honesty, it made me extremely exhausted, we walked so much and ate a very filling lunch before walking back to campus.

Once we reached our own separate rooms, I closed the door behind me, walk over to the window to open it half way before plopping down on to my bed. The heat today was mild, but all the running around got to me, Thankfully, the cool summer breeze that was coming in helped me relax.

As I laid there, I could hear muffled music through the walls as Kat plays one of the new cassettes she bought today, I think is was Christian Death. Within seconds, I felt my eye lids grow heavy as I laid there comfortably in bed. The last thing I remember before dozing off was hearing Peter sweet voice in my head.


'I lay there on my bed although, the bed seems so unfamiliar to me. Instead of a full it is now a queen sized bed with red satin sheets and black lace trimmings. My room looks much larger than usual, the ceiling is also much higher than usual.

I look down at myself to see that I'm in nothing but white lace panties and a sheer white night gown that ends just below my private area. Panicked, I sat up and tried to hide my exposed body under the covers.

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