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"I'm going to Milan next month." Minhyun says while taking a spoonful of rice inside his mouth. Everyone is there, happy listening to the good news. Dinner is really the best time to tell story to each other.

"You been there, right?" Baekho takes a piece of chicken from the plate, "Tour." He continues. Aron nodded.

Jonghyun side-eyeing Minki. He realizes Jonghyun's suspicious stare on him and looks back at him, mouthing something, 'What?'

Jonghyun shakes his head while suspiciously smiling. Minki frowns over his weird action.

A second later, Minki suddenly flustered. He understands what that annoying smile means.




I'm back with new (short) story. This is just some drabbles that a chapter can or cannot be related to the other. The idea might probably be random; it can be recent, years back, or a time we don't know haha.

Thank you for reading. Glad that you spare your time here. Always have a good day, loves!

*For more insight to the story, Jonghyun was hinting Nuest Re:SPONSE Europe Tour in Poland, when Minki kissed him through the flag. Lmao. I'm still wondering how can they acted normally after that.

[Drabble] Nu'est Love Story - B-SideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ