Chapter 1,Return To Earth

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It was 4th of April when Rosalina was about to recieve her wand....
She went in gracefully...but also excited at the same time,she aproaches her parents...
Before her mother Star gives her the wand...she warned her...saying "Now Rosalina,the wand is more than a tool,it can be used for self defence and stuff....but if you use it the wrong way,the whole universe will be in trouble" Star said
Rosa smilled "I know..." she said...
Star gave her wand to Rosalina as she grabs it...
The wand glowed blue as it starts to be covered in ice....then forms into a sparkly blue wand with a really unique features in it...
She looked into Star "Mom,you can count on me from preventing any trouble!" She said...

Few hours later there were reports of random blizzard WHICH is tottaly bizzare for them since its April,Star and Marco knew that it was gonna happen and Rosa aint responsible enough and could bring total danger to the kingdom
They both decided where to let their daughter to practice her magic....a place which is home to Marco,the planet Earth
"Earth? Whats that?" She asks Marco
"The place where your dad and i met! And thats also where he used live before" Star said..
"Do you mean isnt a mewman!?" Rosa exclaimed
"Okay no time to waste now get in and you'll see" Marco said...ordering their new royal maid Catrina to open the portal to Earth....

After Rosa and her parents arrived to Earth...somewhere in Washington D.C...
They stopped by on a highschool,dropping off Rosa and her parents....
"So you say,you two rule a land in a different dimension?" The principal asked
Rosa was looking outside...amazed from the cars passing by the road..
"You guys didnt say there were technology here too!" Rosa said...

"You see....monarchy dosen't wo-" she was cutted off by Marco giving the principal a chest of gold and diamonds..
"Rosa can stay here for years until she ends her studies!" She said...her eyes filled with money....

"You see,Rosalina might need someone her" Marco told the principal

Meanwhile,Alex...along with his classmates were busy having a seatwork....until he hears the principal saying "Alex Rosberg to principal's office please"
Alex stood up "Guess im in trouble" he said...going outside and onto the principal's office

As Alex aproaches the principal's office...he was greeted by the principal and Rosalina...
" the new foreign exchange student Rosalina Butterfly" she said..
Rosalina seemed to be a wave to Alex...
"Okay?" He seemed to be confused....

Later,after Alex showed her around the school....he seemed to be annoyed "Its really hard to explain that im not broken hearted! One time you just sat alone on prom day" he quickly closes the locker "Watch out" he said.. "and everyone tells you that you are brokenhearted,To me its just really hard for me to explain to them that I liked to be alone" Alex said...
She then saw a random kid aproaching to Alex...and quickly got infront of him "Hey! You leave Alex alone!" She said...aiming her wand "Or else..." the kid got scarred and quickly ran away
"What was that for!" Alex scolded her
"I thought that you liked being alone" Rosa said...looking at her
"W...who excactly are you?" Alex asked her...
"Oh im just a magical princess from another dimension" she said...extending the handle of her wand...while few snowflakes came down on her...
It then left a scratched on the walls of the school...and Alex felt a little scared..
"Annnd thats the end of the tour,now if you excuse me,im going home now" Alex said...running away
"Farewell then new friend!" She said...waving goodbye

After Alex got home..he opens the door...seeing his parents Max and Malia hanging out with Rosalina
He looked surprised..."W..w....what are you doing here" Alex said,hiding his anger..
"Alex! I didnt knew they are your parents,i always thought that you were alone in this house" Rosa said...
"And i didnt knew we have a new foreign exchange student here!" Max said...patting Rosalina....
After her introduction,Alex showed Rosa her new room...and she dosent seem satified..
She grabs out her wand and aims at the room "R...Rosalina what are you doing?" Max asked her...
"Oh nothing...just gonna do...Frosty Room Transformation!" She shouted as the room transforms into her room back in Mewni
Alex looked amazed from it "Oh wow Rosalina,im impressed..." he said
"Do you want me to do yours?" She asks Alex.."Nah im...fine...." he said...being left by Rosa as she was on his room...and shouting "Frosted Room Transformation!" She didnt go well,it just...turned his room into a cold refrigirators for cold meat
Alex quickly slams the door...outside with Rosalina
"Frosted! Are you kidding me Rosalina?!" He scolded her...
He quickly runs away....breaking a window,falling down onto a trampoline
Rosalina saw Alex "Are you alright?" She asks him.."Im alright and im lucky to have this trampoline,now leave me alone!" He said...walking away from his home

Later,Alex was alone...sitting on the bench...hopeless...and filled with Anger
Rosalina aproached him...and sat on his side "Hey sorry for ruining your things...i know i suck alot on magic..and everyone dosent trust dont even trust me,i guess ill have to pack up and leave" Rosalina said...
Alex looked at her,and a group of Mewman theives on her back "R...Rosalina?" He said...pointing at them
One person was about to grab Rosalina and luckily she evaded "You again!" She said
"Hello Princess Rosalina,we met again" the person said
"What do you want again Eron!" She asks him
"Oh nothing...something thats yours,now get the girl!" He commanded his troop
Alex quickly summons his scythe...
He began to blast out water that are really powerfull...pushing them away
"Oh you can fight too? Thats awesome!" Rosalina said...
They began to fight....
With Alex on Rosa's back..the 2 were a pretty great team together...
After the battle,Eron and his gang retreated...leaving Alex and Rosa on the park...
She turned and starred at Alex "I guess ill go find another family to live on..." she said..
"No,you can stay here,with us" Alex said..smilling at her
"R...really!" Rosalina exclaimed...quickly hugging Alex
Alex hugged her back..."So..are we going to keep fighting some bad guys?" Alex asked
"Ya bet on it Alex!" Rosalina the 2 went back to their home

Rosalina,The Princess Of Another Dimension (SVTFOE Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now