8. Echotale! Sans X Reader

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[I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm talking a lot in this, but then again, what do you expect from me? I rant a lot. Anyway, Echotale! Sans, more commonly known as Gaster Sans or G, is one of my favorite Sanses. I don't know a lot about him, but I still think he's cool. Hopefully I stick to his personality, and if I don't, I'm sorry. But, um, don't tell Fell Sans that I think G's cool. He'd probably kill me... Anyways, here it is! Oh, and this takes place on the Surface, by the way!]- Quickstorm

The skeleton hesitated in the doorway, and then went in, shutting it behind him quietly. "Hi." He said softly, a slight smile on his face, but it faltered as he saw all the machines you were hooked up to. He winced a little, and though he tried not to show it, you still saw. "Don't worry, it looks like it hurts more than it actually does." You reassured, and though it took a little, you moved your gaze to him. "See, G? I told you I'd be fine in a beat." The skeleton chuckled a little, but his gaze held regret and he looked slightly ashamed of himself. "[Y/n], I'm sorry.. If I had showed up sooner, then you wouldn't-" You shook your head as best you could, stopping him. "No, it wasn't your fault. Even you didn't know this would happen." G's gaze grew slightly less dark at your words, and he nodded, saying nothing for a moment. He shifted his gaze around for a few seconds, almost wincing as he looked back at you. "G, I promise, it looks worse than it is." You said, giving him a reassuring look. This skeleton... You'd been with him ever since the monsters were trapped in the Underground, and now they were free, and you were still here, even with a weak heart.

You'd told the skeleton about it almost as soon as you were friends, because he needed to know, in case something happened. You hadn't wanted to tell him, because you were kind of afraid he'd start treating you like you could die at any moment. But, he hadn't. Although... You had had attacks back in the Underground, where G would almost always panic, even though he was trying to be calm. His real name was Gaster Sans, but that was a bit much for you to say, so he'd said that you could call him G. And now, you were on the Surface with him, and in the hospital. Because you'd had another attack, you still weren't sure what caused it. If it weren't for G... You wouldn't be here right now. However, you weren't going to stay in this hospital forever, because even though your attack was pretty bad, even though you almost died, the doctors couldn't do a transplant just yet. You snapped out of you thoughts, and went back to look at your skeleton friend, who had now stepped closer to your bedside. His eyes were a little strange, but that didn't really bother you, even looking into his one constantly dark eyesocket. His other was a bright yellow eye, and the slight glow that came off of it never really seemed to fade. And, the two cracks on his skull, one at the top of one eye, and the other at the bottom, had always made you curious, but you'd never questioned it.

"G...?" You asked, almost silently, but he heard it. "Yeah?" G asked, giving you a curious look. You paused, breathing quietly for a moment. "I'm a.. A good friend, right?" G's eye widened slightly, and he looked confused. "Of course you're a good friend, [Y/n]! Why would you think that you're not? Why would I be here for you right now if you were a bad friend? Why would I love you?" G said the last part slightly quieter, giving you a reassuring smile. However, your gaze just slightly darkened. "Well, with my heart and everything, I don't think I really-" G's one eye glowed slightly brighter as he put a skeletal finger to your lips, silencing you. "Shh. That's not your fault. You managed to free us all, and, you've been a friend to me, so that's enough. You don't have to be anything better than that." The skeleton pulled back, and his words caused you to smile. "Thanks, G." Your tone was quiet, but was only because the attack you had had drained a lot of energy from you. G grinned, and shifted his shoulder blades slightly, managing to crack one, as well as slightly move the black jacket he always wore. The skeleton's ribcage was exposed under it, but that was because he almost never bothered to wear a shirt. That was just the kind of monster he was.

The skeleton gently ruffled your hair, making you smile. You started to speak, but G stopped you. "Yeah, I know you're adorable, [Y/n], you don't have to remind me." At that, you blushed slightly, quickly looking away from him. "G!" G chuckled as you slightly glared at him, where he shrugged. "What? It's true." You just sighed, but you smiled. He could be very weird sometimes. G's bright yellow eye moved back to the machines and IVs you were hooked up to, but you, even it took a lot of effort, gently grabbed his wrist, just to stop him from looking at them. "G, it's alright, it doesn't hurt." You told him gently, and the skeleton's expression shifted back to normal. He moved back a little, messing with his fingers as he searched for words. "Are you sure?" He finally asked, and you nodded, which he almost didn't see. "Yeah, unless I try to move." The skeleton nodded silently, his worried expression finally disappearing, and he moved his gaze back over to you. The skeleton went back over to you, bending his head down, where he gently kissed you on the forehead, a slight yellow blush on his face. When he pulled back, you were blushing much deeper than he was, and you stammered for a moment.

"G, w-what was that a-about?" G smiled at your stammering state, which he found a little too adorable. "Well, I was just trying to make you feel better." You both just held each other's gazes for what felt like a long time, until G gave you an apologetic look. "Sorry, [Y/n], I have to go now. Your nurses are probably going to yell at me if I don't." The skeleton chuckled awkwardly, but you nodded understandingly, knowing he had things to do, and he couldn't just stay here with you for forever, as much as he probably wanted to. "But, I'll come back ever day to check on you, promise. You'll be okay without me, right?" G asked, hesitating as he started to turn away from you. You nodded, since it was getting harder for you to manage words. The skeleton turned away, but you suddenly remembered something, stopping him. "Oh! G?" G turned, a curious expression on his face. "Yeah?" You smiled softly, meeting his gaze. "I love you!" G grinned, and held your gaze for a few more moments. "I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later, okay?" You gave the skeleton a silent nod, smiling at him. "Bye, G." G left, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could, and though it was very, very quiet, you still heard him murmur a "Goodbye, [Y/n]."

Undertale AU Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें