The Shape Kills

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After killing the punk, Michael kept searching for the hospital.


Dr.Luppera: "Hello, Laurie..I'm Dr.Luppera."

Dr.Luppera: "I'm one of Loomis's students."

Laurie: "Tell me,Luppera,Why does he kill?"

Dr.Luppera: "Michael?"

Dr.Luppera: "Well, Based on Loomis's files.."

Dr.Luppera: "Loomis explained that Michael is, A sociopath for his dark past, He has a broken family, And he became a psycho."

Laurie: "Well, You're wrong Luppera."

Laurie: "It's because he's pure evil."

Dr.Luppera: "Well, Ok then."

Dr.Luppera: "You better get rest."


Eddie: "Yo, Ray, Is that a fucking dead body hanging from the window?"

Ray: "That's Smith's Grove."

Eddie: "What about it?! Dude there's a fucking corpse hanging!"

Ray: "It's the boogeyman, He killed that corpse."

Eddie: "The boogeyman legend from 1978?"

Eddie: "Nah, That couldn't be real."

Ray: "I'm telling you, He's real alright."

Ray: "Let's get outta here, Before anyone sees us, Let's roll!"

And from far behind, The shape was watching them.
As they roll with their skateboards, Away from the shape.
As Michael walks down the road, A man passed by.

Redneck: "Aye, Chump..Need a ride?

Michael slowly tilts his head, Facing the redneck.

Redneck: "Wowow, Don't need to be creepy, It's literally 10 PM in the night."

Michael jumps in the truck, He breaks the truck's gear, and jammed it in the redneck's eyes.


Michael then steals the truck, and drive to the hospital.
As Michael drives, The police was after him.

Deputy Adkins: "Stop your vehicle, Now!"

Michael stops the truck, As Deputy Adkins got out of his car, Slowly walking towards the truck.

Deputy Adkins: "Get out the truck, Man!"

Michael opens the door slowly, and steps down the truck, He jammed both his fingers into the Deputy's eyes, It started to cry out tears of blood.

Deputy Adkins: "ARRGGGGH, Help! Man down! Man down!"

Michael then steals the police car, and drove straight over Deputy Adkins, Crushing him.


Karen: "Listen, Allyson..Everything will be fine."

Karen: "This hospital is safe, For now."

Laurie: "No, Nothing will be fine, This hospital is not safe!"

《The Next Day》


Tim: "Yo, Did ya hear about Allyson?"

Todd: "What?"

Tim: "The legendary Haddonfield killer."

Todd: "Myers?"

Tim: "Yeah! That crazy son of a bitch, Tried to kill Allyson, and the 1978 victim Laurie."

Todd: "Isn't she her grandma?"

Tim: "Yeah, Cursed family i guess, Huh?"

Todd: "No shit."

As Todd walks into the bathroom, The shape unlocked one of the bathroom stalls *CLANK*

Todd: "Oi, Who's there?!"

Todd: "You gotta be fucking freshmans!"

Todd: "You can't prank me fool!"

Todd knocks the bathroom stall, *KNOCK* *KNOCK*

Todd: "I know you're in there, Asshat!"

The shape burst out the bathroom door, Pushing todd, Breaking the mirror, The shape then pushed Todd's head into the toilet, Drowning him.


Tim: "Yo! Todd, What's taking you so long?"

Tim: "Are you fuckin yourself?!"

Tim: "Yo, For real, You're gonna waste our time!"

Tim then enters the bathroom, Just to see Todd's corpse in the toilet,
The shape then comes from behind him, and *STAB* stabbed him in the neck.

《A Few Minutes Later》

Principal: "Attention, Students of Haddonfield High!"

Principal: "I've got bad news for today."

Principal: "The staff had found 2 dead bodies in the bathroom area."

Principal: "Both Todd and Tim were murdered."

Principal: "Since reports have said that the killer Michael Myers is back...."

Principal: "Presumably, He's the one who murdered Todd and Tim."

Principal: "The shape kills, Again."


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