"It's Bayley!" came the excitable, tinny-sounding reply through the speaker.

"Bay!" Sonya cried. "I'll buzz you in. We're apartment eight, to your left as you come in."

"See you in a sec," Bayley replied.

"How did I know Bay would be the first one here?" Mandy said with a smile. It was well known that Bayley was almost always the first to arrive for every NXT show. She lived life on the basis that if she wasn't notably early, she was late.

Sonya opened the front door to make it easier for their guests to see where the right apartment was. Mandy came and stood with her, both just inside the doorway. They saw Bayley come around the corner, hand in hand with Seth Rollins, her partner of a few months. Sonya was happy to see that they had felt comfortable enough to dress casually, as she had suggested. They both had jeans and t-shirts on, and Bayley had a baseball cap on backwards.

"Hi, guys!" Sonya called, waving to them.

Seth waved back, being almost pulled across the courtyard towards the apartment by Bayley. Sonya and Mandy had to laugh at the sight.

"Hey!" Bayley exclaimed as they neared the apartment. "I'm sorry we're a bit early."

"We expected nothing less," Mandy assured her in good humour.

"I've never been with a girl who got ready for things quickly before," Seth said. He reached his two hosts and gave them both a peck on the cheek, starting with Sonya. "Thanks for inviting us over. This looks like a nice, private place to live."

"Yeah, we've been the only noisy ones today," Mandy said. Standing aside, she and Sonya admitted their guests and Mandy closed the door. "There have so many delivery trucks in and out of here the past couple of days the neighbours must have thought we were opening an Amazon warehouse or something."

Everyone laughed as Sonya led them into the living area. She motioned towards the buffet of finger food. "We have delicious food on offer, courtesy of my Queen, and there is wine, vodka, whisky or beer in the kitchen."

"Well that's me sorted out. I'm not sure what the rest of you are doing," Seth said, drawing more laughter from the group.

"I'd give you the tour, but we might as well wait until everyone else gets here," Mandy said. "For now, let me get you a drink. What would you like?"

Seth requested a beer and Bayley opted for wine, saying she would only have one glass as she was driving. As Mandy headed for the kitchen, Bayley had a question for Sonya. "Who else is coming?"

"We invited pretty much everyone in NXT, but some people had other arrangements. It's understandable, wanting to go and see their families or whatever while we have a weekend off. Lacey is coming, as is Becky. She was saying she might bring Dean."

"If they've decided they're dating again this week," Seth said, shaking his head. Becky and Dean had been on and off more times than a light switch in recent months.

"And of course Zel is coming," Sonya added.

"Naturally," Seth said. "The three of you are joined at the hip these days."

"Is that jealousy, Mr Rollins?" Sonya asked, not afraid to get involved in banter with him. "You have your two buddies to play with, you don't have to begrudge me mine."

"I didn't know you played with both of them, I thought that was just Mandy."

"Seth!" Bayley exclaimed, laughing as she slapped him on the arm.

"My hair is up. Don't make me square up," Sonya warned him playfully.

Seth laughed as Mandy returned with the drinks for the two guests. "Who are you squaring up to?" she asked Sonya with a smile on her face.

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