Chaper One| Eli's issue

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Eli sat on his bed in his pitch black room, his phone clutched in his hand. The only light was the light green phone screen shining back in his face. Cheerful music filled the room as he beat another puzzle in Gardenscape. A grin sneaked onto his face as he tapped the screen to be taken to the next level.
Eli turned and looked at his small alarm clock on his bedside table.
"3:28..." Eli mumbled to himself as he softly rubbed his eyes. "Mmm... haven't eaten yet."
Eli climbed out of his warm bed and instantly felt a cool chill climb up his spine. He picked up a shirt lying on the floor and slipped it on. He then stumbled his way to the small kitchen in his small apartment.
He walked up to the kitchen counter, placed his phone onto the counter, and turned to rummage through his fridge. As soon as he found some food that had not yet rotted, he quickly shut the door to the fridge, turn, and sat on the counter to enjoy his meal of a pickle and scraps of ham, the traditional dish he had gotten used to. While he was eating, he decided to continue his Gardenscapes adventure on his phone.
He just couldn't beat it. Whether it was the excessive lack of sleep or the unsatisfactory meal, he wasn't sure. But all he knew was that he had lost his stride and was now getting his ass kicked by Gardenscapes.
"Oh what the fu- Dammit!!!" Eli growled as he lost the game for what felt like the fiftieth time.
Suddenly, Eli heard a knock at his door.
S- seriously? At three in the morning? Really?
Eli hopped off the counter and walked over to the door. He unlocked it and quickly opened it.
"Yeah, yeah. What's the-"
Eli was cut off when the stranger at the door shoved him against the wall and held a gun to his head. Eli yelped as the stranger moved to his ear.
" Don't you fucking move."

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