We got inside of the restaurant which was cozy and dim lighted. Justin and Selena sat across from me as the waiter set down our menus. The waiter was beyond gorgeous and I couldn't help but blush as he caught me staring. He smiled, making my heart speed up. "Any drinks you would like to start off with?" He asked, removing the pad from one of his pockets.

"I'll have a sprite and she'll have an iced tea." Justin said, speaking for him and Selena. He nodded and wrote it down then, shot his eyes towards me. "And you?" He asked, a smirk appearing on his face. I blushed noticeably and smiled. "Lemonade." I said. He nodded before jotting it down. "I'll have that right out for you guys." He said, walking about but not before shooting me a wink.

I look at my lap and smiled. "Oh my gosh, he was so hitting on you." Selena spoke up. I looked up at her and chuckled. "Nah... He was just being nice. He is very... attractive though." I admitted. Then I noticed Justin tighten his jaw and faintly shake his head as if in disbelief. I rolled my eyes, shaking it off. He had no right to get mad. He had Selena.

After a few minutes, he came back with drinks and took our orders. I brightened up. He set down our drinks. "Thank you...." I left a pause so he can fill in the rest by saying his name. "Andrew." He said, nodding. "Andrew..." I bit the inside of my cheek. "And, anything for you beautiful Ariana." he said, walking away.

"Oh my gosh, he knows my name..." I said. "Well... You are a celebrity." Selena said. I scoffed. "I know, It's so weird saying that." I smiled. I saw my phone brighten up and I grabbed it, texting back some people that had texted me. I sighed, locking my phone and looking back up to see Justin and Selena in their own world.

Whispering to each other and giving little kisses. I held back all the tears that were ready to burst out. Gosh this was fucking torture. I bit my lip so it wouldn't quiver. Lord get me out of here before I burst out in tears. Without thinking, I got up and threw my sweater back on, catching Justin's attention. "W-Where are you going?" He asked, all of a sudden 'concerned' about me.

I shook my head. "I need to go home. It's an emergency." I said, pushing my chair in. "But the food hasn't even gotten here." Selena spoke up. I shook my head and walked away from them. I've never really seen Justin and Selena so intimate. I've never hung out with Justin and Selena. Only Justin. And it all just became too much for me.

As soon as I got out of there, tears rolled down my cheeks. Unfortunately, there were still paps there. I tried my best to hide my tears from the cameras but it was really no use. "ARIANA! ARE YOU AND JUSTIN BEST FRIENDS?" One shouted. "ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH JUSTIN?!" I cried harder. I wanted to be completely out of this mess. I felt a hand tug on my arm as they turned me around. I was face to face with Justin.

"Ariana, what's wrong?" He said. Then suddenly, it all became too much. The flashing lights, Justin, the secrets, my feelings... I cracked. I pushed Justin away and the cameras went crazier. "Whoa, hey, what did I do?" He asked concerned as I kept walking to the car. I shook my head and opened the door, climbing in. I looked at Justin before completely shutting it. "Everything..." I whispered and shut the door in his face and I was off.

Tears came leaking down my face. I should've never went to that stupid ass restaurant. I should've stayed at the studio and just put all my emotions into the music. I was restless now from the crying which quickly gave me a headache. Why did I ever do this to myself?


After taking a 30 minute bath, I felt more relaxed. But everything was still clinging to the back of my head. My phone flashed. Yet another text message from Justin. That makes 42 test messages, 15 missed calls and 5 voice mails. Why couldn't he get that I just wanted him to leave me alone? I wanted to be alone. I didn't want anyone's company right now.

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