Chapter Three

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After initial introductions have been made, and everything, Mr. Rogers and Carmichael went off towards where the manager's office was located, followed by their manager, Tammy.

As the group dispersed, heading back to do their work, Emma sighed, shaking her head as she started to do the same, but was stopped by Amy.

Amy, bless her heart, had that look on her face that told Emma that she wasn't going to appreciate what was going to be said.

"I'm not sure why you're looking so glum for; this man is fine."

And there it was.

Emma sent her a look.

Amy, of course, ignored it, as she continued on. "And, and...did you not see how he was looking at you?"


"He was checking you out, girl."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Emma snorted as she looked down at herself.

She was basically five nothing with a bit of extra weight on her bones. She looked like a freaking train wreck with the bags under her eyes and the paleness of her skin.

Stress and exhaustion does weird things to the body.

"Em, seriously though, would you say yes if he asked you out?"

Emma laughed, but it wasn't from amusement. Emma stopped just a few feet short of where she left the stuff she was working on, turned around, crossed her arms and asked, "Why are you so concerned about my love life, Amy?"

That's when Amy turned serious.

"Emma, listen; we all love you, we all see how hard you work to provide for your brother and sister since...well...." Emma was grateful she Amy didn't elaborate on that.

"We just want you to be happy."

Emma sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Her only reply was to nod at the younger girl with a small smile, leaving her to finish up her task before her shift ended in an hour.


She had just finished the last box of items that needed to be tagged and placed on the shelf when Mr. Rogers came up to her with Canada's youngest billionaire, and Tammy.

"Emma can we talk?" Mr. Roger's asked in a low tone, the look made frown but she didn't think much of it and just chalked it up to having this deal take place and the money flowing through.

Emma looked at the clock, "Uh, yeah. Sure."

With the last of the cardboard boxes broken down and tossed on top of the other ones on the cart, she followed the three into the back.

When they all entered the small office, and with the door now closed behind them, the awkward silence was deafening.

"We have something of utmost importance to discuss."

Emma didn't say anything, only acknowledging Tammy with a slight nod. She was now wondering what was going on. A frown formed on her face as she eyed the two before her. Her mouth opened and closed before she mustered up the courage to ask the question that was bothering her.

"Is...everything okay?"

Just as Tammy opened her mouth to answer, Alexander spoke up. His voice was gruff and his tone sharp. He spoke to Emma like she was a child. The words that came out of his mouth made her jaw drop in surprise.

"I had kept quiet until now because I was hoping that you would have proven me wrong in my assumptions, Miss Knight, unfortunately that is not the case." The billionaire sat up straight and looked her in the eyes. "Only those who wish to be here can work here, and you are not a good fit."

"Come again?"

"Does your weight affect your hearing? You are no longer an employee here."

Neither Tammy nor Rogers said anything as she ripped her gaze from the snob in front of her to her now, ex-bosses. They refused to meet her gaze.

"What?" Emma said again, still feeling like she hadn't heard right, oh, but she had. "Who said I didn't want to be here?"

A small smirk played out on the man's lips, his eyes boring into hers.

"Your demeanour is something that is less than desirable, your attire isn't appropriate, and it looks like you had just done a pile of drugs before coming in here."

"I'm tired...I have two kids at home to feed."

"And that is not my problem." He interrupted. "You should not have had children if you couldn't afford to feed them."


That was the last thing she said before white-hot anger seared through her veins as she hauled off and punched him right in the face, sending the billionaire to the ground, and without another look opened the door and slammed it shut behind her, quickly grabbing her stuff from the racks before marching off toward the back and out to her car.

She ignored Amy as she pushed passed her.

She didn't want anyone to see her crying.

Or the guilt and regret that flashed across her face as she realized exactly what she had just done.

Her father had always told her to never throw the first punch, but if necessary, throw the last one.

This one, however, would probably end up with her being in jail.

And her siblings taken away.

It hadn't even been a year since their parent's death and her family was thrown another curveball.

This one was one that she could've avoided entirely if she had handled the rude comments made by the self-centred asshat – but she didn't. A sob escaped past her parted lips and she cried.


It had taken a lot to convince Alexander to not press charges on the young woman. Both Tammy and Rogers had explained that what the billionaire had said was out of line and had nothing to do with the job.

And then, they explained what had happened.

A slight twinge of sympathy went up his spine and dug painfully into his heart, but that wasn't an excuse for her to punch him the way that she had.

He could very well send that girl to prison for quite a while and to also ensure that she never gets hired at another job.

He could do that.

Normally, he would, but the defeated and panicked look on her face, and with the explanation from the manager and his new business partner, he had decided against it. Alexander didn't understand why he cared so much for her, but he did.

It had been a long day by the time the meeting was over and Alexander was up on his hotel suite, sipping on a glass of wine and staring out into the city, watching the lights of the traffic and other buildings out in the distance.

A bit have passed before a knock brought him out of his thoughts.

"Come in."

The door immediately opened, revealing Rachel, who held a folder in her hand.

"Here is the information that you have requested, sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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