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? POV:
I'm laying on the floor, waiting. I've been feeling strange since waking up, feeling like something big is going to happen and I don't want to be around when it goes down. I've been planning my escape for weeks and this time I will escape, I'm sure of it. The other times I wasn't ready, but this time I am.

You have to kill him.

As soon as the usual man opens the door, he throws himself at me and I launch myself at him. He ends up hitting the floor with his face and I bite down on his neck, he doesn't have a chance to scream. When I'm sure he's dead, I peer out of my room and look both ways.

He always takes me left, so I should probably go that way.

I quietly pad left, down the long thin room, until I arrive at the room I should be in right now, the lab. I walk passed it and see someone leave a different room, to walk the way I'm going. I follow the person, keeping my distance, turning shortly after they do, but one turn goes wrong and I come across a group of men with guns. One of them shakes his head and steps towards me, I growl as he speaks "You've been a very bad girl. You can't leave us, you should know that by now." I keep growling as he continues to walk closer, all of a sudden I'm grabbed from behind, I turn around and snap at the person, biting into his hand.

I need to get away from these people before I lose my opportunity. Kill em.

I launch myself at the one who grabbed me, as soon as my teeth bite into his neck he's dead. I turn back to the others and growl at them, they keep walking closer. I snap at one who appears on my left, but it seems to have been a distraction as someone is able to get something over my snout. I can't bite.

I'm done for, what can I do if I can't defend myself? Run.

I see an opening between someone's legs and run, I knock the person down as I run under him, by the sounds behind him I think he knocked someone else over too. As I'm running I'm trying to come up with a new plan in my head, I hear someone shout behind me "Don't shoot to kill, but if you get a shot take her down!" I panic and try not to run in a straight line, but as fast as I can. I manage to find a large set of double doors, as someone walks through them his eyes widen and I sprint through them, into... a really large room? I stop for a second out of shock, never having seen a room as big as this one, it's very strange and the floor feels strange under my paws. The sounds from behind me break me from my thoughts, I run straight ahead, towards some really tall thin things. I don't know where I'm going, but anywhere is better than there.

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