𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧 ☼ 1945

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Third person


The room was filled with groaning and moans as the soldiers moved around on the hard slabs, trying to find the most comfortable position to lay in.

Y/n stood in the corner of the bunker sewing up a soldier wound, he hissed as he felt the needle pierced his skin and took another swig of alcohol to numb the pain.

As y/n was concentrating on the bloody soldier, the metal door of the bunker flew open, revealing the load cry's for help as people screamed, shouted and cried, the sound of bombs and gun fire were echoing around the bunker.

Y/n gasped a little and looked up to see two men caring another man in.

"Nurse, we need you over here!" One of the soldier said. Y/n quickly finished the stitch and wrapped it up.

As she made her way over towards the three soldiers, she wiped her hands on her dirty white apron.

Blissful ✧ 𝐅.𝐖 (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now