Chapter 2 - Welcome Kitty

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" Why are you guys looking at me like you've never seen a girl before?" Ariza slumped her shoulders and walked towards them.

"You. Who are you." Reiji asked while Shu stuffed his earpeice into his ears.

"Ariza Sakamaki? ....Are you retarded or something. I said my name thrice Reiji onii sama." she rubbed her eyes.

"ONII SAMA!?" Ayato widened his gaze at Ariza and pulled her down to sit beside him.

"Ow! Watch it !" Ariza complained momentarily when the questions came fired to her one by one.

"Shu who is she?" Subaru quietly spoke from the side as Shu shrugged.

"Just ask her." he replied ever so nonchalently.

"I am YOUR SISTER. I was born 2 months ago? " she tilted her head as Kanato came up to her real close.

"Teddy.How old do you think she looks? 30?" her grinned with a blank look in his eyes.

"Are you mentally disabled or crazy psycho?I am 16. I was told I grew fast since I am your....kind. Although I am half human too so I eat regularly like my Mother. " Ariza pulled back to leave a greater distance between her and Kanato.

"She is living with us now because she's growing too fast that the humans around her area are starting to realize her differences ." Shu explained briefly as Ariza shrugged.

"Sums up my story. I am your sister with the same Father I guess...although you people are probably a few hundred years older than me." Ariza stood up and went over to her luggage. "Are you going to be a gentleman and help your sister carry her luggage?" she turned back to the boys after carrying the load of bags up a few steps.

Laito smirked as he examined her from head to toe. Long brown hair and light brown eyes matched her pretty face a lot. He was at her side in a flash and held her luggage in one swift motion. "Ari Chan, welcome to the household." he grinned excited by the fact another additional woman would be in the house for him to mess around with.

"She's our sister,treat her well. This is instructed by him." Shu finished his sentence and went back into his room. Once again the hall was filled with silence.

"Reiji, a girl ... a sister .We have a sister?" Ayato cleared his throat after this change of events in his life.

"Yes, she's our kind with the same blood." He fixed his specs again as Kanato smiled.

" I would still break her." he grinned to Teddy as the three of them thought of the future in the house.

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