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Broken arms get casts
And those with headaches get a good dose
Of paracetamol
But what is there to give a broken heart
And a clouded mind
When it only knows what dark feels like

It was my mistake
Your apathy was my esoteric warning
Sirens, there goes your presence
Alarms, there goes your care
Danger! You're the wrong one for me
Danger, Danger, Danger

You tell me it's because you don't understand
That you have to reconsider your choices
Well, here's the thing

One should never hide the way they feel
Especially to their partner
In fear of being thrown daggers
Once they say something
The other thinks is too confronting 
For that fragile heart of theirs

Or to hold in their dark thoughts and
Let them swallow their sanity whole
While you paint a facade of the

You only love me for who you want me to be
Not the uglier, darker sides of me
You're in love with a completely different person
Who happens to be the false version of me

So much for being my soulmate
You failed me, you are not the cure
If anything, you are my suffering.
The one who does me more harm than good.

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