Always been you💕nolan imagine

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Requested imagine❤️
I'm y/n and I'm a banshee. I got bitten along my bestfriend Lydia at a school dance that I went to. I recently found out my brother, Liam dunbar was a werewolf as well all thanks to Scott. Liam didn't have much friends since his anger issues always drove them away. But I was friends with his freinds but I recently befriended a guy called Nolan Holloway. He had that glint in his eyes when he smiled and I just instantly knew I had any first high school crush. Don't get me wrong I've had crushes but they don't feel like this one.
One boring afternoon, Nolan was in my room doing homework with me since we had a project due in soon. We were both laughing at god knows what but he probably thinks I'm a freak anyways.
"Come With me" he opened his hand out for me to take which I did, a bit too quickly but oh well. He opened the back door and he started jumping on my trampoline. "What are you doing" I laughed at his face. Once he saw the trampoline his eyes lit up with joy.
"Jumping stupid! Come join" I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out so I hopped onto the trampoline and we were jumping about like maniacs. His foot must of caught up near my feet since we ended up falling and he was laying on top of me.
"I'm so sorry" I rambled and my face flushed up with embarrassment. "There is I need to be sorry. I like this position" he winked and I blushed even harder if possible.
His face inched closer to mine until I could feel his breathing against my face.
"Can I be honest with you?" He asked, still in the same position
I hummed in response and he opened his mouth to speak again
"I really like you y/n.. you don't need to like me back or force it but I just wanted to tell-" i cut him off by smashing my lips against his. His hands reacted quickly and placed them on the side of my face keeping them warm. I pulled apart and nearly leaped off the trampoline
"What's wrong?" He asked me since he noticed I was frantically observing my surroundings
"I-I just if liam finds out- then I-I..I" my breathing kept getting cut off by big gasps and I covered my mouth fighting the urge to scream
"Are you okay" he asked getting up quickly but before he could reach me I let out a scream that forced him to fly in the air and hit against the wall. I covered my mouth then ran towards him and moved his face side to side to check for wounds.
"I'm s-so sorry.."
"What are you..." I took a deep breath then looked up at his yellow beta eyes
"A banshee" he smiled a bit and pecked my lips
"We all have our monsters" he smiled but it immediately dropped once he saw he red face of my brother. I recognised he had gone white and I turned to look at what he was so scared of and I saw my brother looking more angrier then ever.
"Liam I-" I started to try calm him down but he leaped onto Nolan's and they bring started fighting
"Guys stop!!" I yelled at them.
Scott ran in-between the  two and split them up. I rushed over to Nolan and saw he had a scratch mark and I held onto it pushing the blood.
"He kissed you!!" He shouted back
"So What I don't deserve to be happy?!? Is that it because that's all you do in my life Liam, control it!"
"Leave me and Nolan alone" I scoffed and helped Nolan to the kitchen
He sat on the kitchen table while I stood between his legs and helped heal his wounds.
And that was the start of a relationship that never ended. Sure they both arguments but they always  made up in the end...the beginning of a mate bond...
@beautifulmax2001 what imagine would you like x

Teen wolf one shots/ preferences ❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ