Part 4 You dont need to, but i will **

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Shane: wow!

Joey: You liked it baby?

Shane: I have never been this pleasured...

Joey cuddled into my chest.

Joey: to bad that this isn't real

Shane: um what?...

It was then I opened my eyes, I was in my bed... along... I looked around and the clock was 2 in the night. What the fuck happen? I felt a wet spot in my boxers... fuck... I came to a wet dream...

about my stepbrother!!! Im so dead!...

I have been living here for a week now. Joey has become a really nice brother, I still like him in some weird way... okey I'm not going lie, Joeys hot thats it! And after that weird dream... Joey and I have had a lot of sex in my dreams... I cant like him, I just tried to not think about it...

I know his gay and all but i cant date my stepbrother! Even thou, no one then my ex boyfriend knows I'm gay... I'm screed what people would think or getting my mom disappointed, I'm her only child and I know her dream is to get grandchildren.

Beside... Joey and I herd mom and Joe some nights ago so that just make the thing even more awkward, like what a fucked up house hold if i fucked Joey while mom fucking his dad.

God i need help!! Im thinking of my mom having sex!! O.O I guise its because I'm a Virgin...

I woke up an morning hearing crying from Joeys room, i need to cheek on him. I got dressed and knocked on Joeys bedroom door.

Shane: Joey? Is everything okey?

I just herd more crying and snores. I was about to open his door and get in when his dad came.

Joe: Shane no

He whispered.

Shane: But... Joeys upstate, i just want to make sure his okey

Joe: He will be, it just a really bad day for him, he and I need to be along

Joe stepped inside to Joeys room with a sad face, whats up with them? I should ask mom. Mom was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

Shane: Morning mom

Mom: Hi sweetheart, had a good night?

Shane: Yeah... but whats up with Joey and Joe?

Mom: Honey, I'm afraid I cant tell you

Shane: But...

Mom: no buts Shane, they need this day for them self, don't worry Joey and you can for sure hang out tomorrow

Shane: But I don't understand, why cant i know why Joeys sad?

Mom: I don't know any details, but all I know we can take this day to make it a mother, son day

Shane: Okey then...

I was happy that day, spending the day with my mom was fun. We had lunch, shopping and that stuff. My moms always so happy, but with Joey in the back of my head I'm just worried.

So when I came home i sneaked to my room, got to mine and Joeys shared balcony and knocked on his glass door. I herd foot steps closing because he had covered the windows with curtains. When I saw his face trow the window I got sad, full with theirs and his eyes were red. He opened the door and the first thing i did was hug him, he hugged me back, crying on my shoulder. I let us both in his room and we sat on his bed.

Shane: whats wrong Joey?

Joey: I... I cant...

Shane: Im worried Joey, I have been worried about you all day

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