iv. the crest

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Once the events of the white bridge took place, Knox Overstreet and Charlie Dalton sheepishly became each other's core of existence.

Loving someone while surrounded by a bunch of friends you can hardly escape from wasn't something easy for illicit lovers to live through. If not awfully early in the morning or incredibly late at night, the two would never find themselves all alone. During the day they'd have schoolwork and the constant accompaniment of friends and students.

Plus, they didn't wish to fulfill the recent rumors. Charlie deemed it vital not show any hints that the rumors were true. He did what was easy and brushed them off as a misunderstanding, supporting it all by being as friendly and neutral with Knox as he'd always been. Just friends.

Though secret lovers.

When loitering with their friends, Charlie and Knox would have to act natural, not like they were making out the previous night, because never would they ever let anyone know of their affairs.

Someday, they sought, in short months, they would be out of school and living their lives together more freely.

For now, however, they dealt with what they had. They took what they felt was a burden and turned it into an attribute that only they own.

"So what if we can only be alone together in the middle of the night? That makes us about fifty percent more unique. We are exquisite, Knoxious!"

So, they would cradle each other on cold stone under every night's sky.

And Charlie Dalton, on one night, realized that loving Knox Overstreet was accompanied by endless delight.


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