"Whoa, baby!" Tommy quickly picked her up. "You know better! Not without your sister's help!" Sydney giggled as Tommy tickled her.

Tommy went to make dinner.

Tommy put the plates out and called the rest down to eat. Trisha sat in her chair pouting.

"If you don't stop that, then you can just go to your room."

"NO dinner!"

"Yep." Trisha unfolded her arms across her chest. "Go wake your mother."

"Why me!"

"Because I told you to." Trisha got up and stomped upstairs. "Trisha Rose Oliver, pick those damn..er...feet up now!" Mackenzie and Madison looked at their father as he corrected himself. They had smiles on their faces. Trisha did pick up her feet. Tommy kissed the twins' headsas he placed Sydney in the high chair. "Don't you two start with me." They covered their mouths with huge smiling, having heard their father curse. Trisha knocked on the door and found Kimberly in the bathroom puking.

"Mommy?" Trisha stood in the doorway to the bathroom.

"I'm fine, princess." Kimberly wiped her mouth. She had woke up from a terrible dream about losing the baby to Mesogog again. It had been a constant nightmare for a few weeks now.

"Daddy made dinner."

"Good." Kimberly stood up and brushed her teeth. Trisha took Kim's hand and pressed her head and hand to Kim's belly.

"Mommy when is the baby coming?"

"Soon, Trisha." Kim spit.

"Will he like me?"

"Of course." Kimberly put her toothbrush down after she finished.

"Will he love me?"

"From the moment he sees you." Kim patted her head and walked out the bathroom.

"You love me?" Kim quickly turned to her daughter and bent down to her level. She held her face and smiled.

"Every single day, from the first moment I saw you." Kimberly lifted Trisha up into her arms and hugged her tightly. "I love you so much. My beautiful, beautiful, baby girl." She rubbed her head against Trisha's head. Kim kissed her head. "Come, let's eat." Trisha smiled and kept her arms around Kim as they walked downstairs.


Next morning, Trent and Ethan were helping Connor practice some soccer skills. Trent was able to steal the ball from Ethan and score.

"Whoa, dude! Where did you learn those moves from?"

"I played a little soccer myself." Principal Randall walks over and demands a permit. Connor happily pulls out his letter signed by Tommy.

"I see, Dr. Oliver has saved you once again." She walked away.

At the Hayley's Cyberspace, Trent's favorite artist, Carson Brady, was there signing comic books. Principal Randall came in claiming to be a big fan and gives him a special pen.

Next day, this pen was used to turn the rangers day inside out, turning them into a comic book. The ending to the comic book, shows the rangers in trouble. Trent was looking through it and was surprised to find Dr. Oliver asking for help. Trent looks ahead to see the rangers don't survive. Trent goes to Carson and together, they change the ending after Trent reveals to Carson that he is the white ranger and his friends needs his help. Trent is able to save the rangers. Carson reveals to Trent that all their work was sponsored by Antor Mercer, which surprised Trent, since his father didn't like his comic book and drawings in the beginning.

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