↳ loki laufeyson - thor (2011)

Start from the beginning

Odin really fucked up, but he had never been father of the year. In fact, a lot of people like to think he is one of the biggest villains—at least all those people who adore Loki and want to shift blame. I don't agree with this logic. In fact, Odin and Loki share far more similarities than you'd think.

While it isn't solely expressed in the films, it is evident by tiny details and bits of dialogue that Loki had always been close to his mother. They showcase that with the way Loki mirrors the same gestures and ticks that Frigga does on screen. The actors themselves spun that detail. Additionally, Frigga has showcased that she too delves with illusions and she too, is a mischievous person. She went behind Odin's back to continue seeing her son, regardless of his decree. They are very similar in that aspect.

So, how is it that Loki ended up so much like Odin instead? It is because Loki tries so very hard to be like his father. It's quite transparent that he has always sought his approval, but Odin's gaze was always upon Thor. I mean, considering how elitist and prejudice Odin is, it's not a surprise that he favors his own flesh and blood. Of course, he's going to have a softer spot for his birth son over his adopted one—especially when that child is the son of his sworn enemy.

It is clear, by Odin's words, that when he initially decided to take in Loki that he was to be used almost as a bargaining chip. Yes, he may have decided not to kill him because he was nothing more than a baby, but evidentially Loki was left to die by Laufey. There is a whole whirlwind of theories behind this and I'm just going to graze them, because otherwise this is going to wind up longer than it already has begun to be.

Anyway, people have argued that Loki had been left inside a temple for safekeeping—because such places are often a sanctity and that Odin lied about Loki being abandoned. However, the deleted scene in which Loki meets with Laufey makes it seem like Laufey left him there intentionally for Odin to pick up. Loki made it clear that he had been taken in by Odin and Laufey does not strike me as stupid. He's the king of Jötunheim and that is a position of power that requires some semblance of intelligence. The audience is led to believe they're not too bright, but that is not the case. They've been raging wars for centuries and someone who is sharp is required to plan their moves in battle. He knew Odin may empathize with his runt child and perhaps he could use it later. Who knows. Regardless, either way, both father figures are assholes and Loki's birthright seemed to be nothing more to be used as a pawn in the universe. The sad reality of it all.

It is safe to assume that Odin in no way wanted to grow attached to Loki and kept himself distant. He had a job of being a king over being a father and more than likely left the actually raising of his sons part to his wife and the handmaids. I say this, because Odin is a very archaic character and as such, has a very backwards way of thinking (i.e.: him comparing Jane to a goat). Odin, also in the comics, is an utter shithead and the MCU Odin is just a fraction of this elitist persona. Yeah.

But, as I mentioned, he favors Thor over Loki because he is of blood. Thor is his biological son and being the type of person he is, he is more than likely was proud to have such a strong warrior as his son. Thor literally is the ideal Asgardian.

And then...you have Loki.

Loki is the complete opposite of Thor in a multitude of ways. The contrast exist not only in the physical attributes—Thor being fair-haired and broad and Loki being dark-haired and lean. No, the difference also lies in their strengths. There is no doubt that Thor is much more physically stronger than Loki. This is not up for debate. However, Loki made amends with his weaknesses and spun himself strength in another area: magic.

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