"Mon dieu..." She breathes. Together, hand in hand, they watch the sky grow darker, as the sun finally disappears from view.

"Wasn't that magnificent?" She shakes her head.

"You have showed me the most magical places today." Their hands are still clasped comfortably, connecting them.

"And they shall be ours...this land Marie...it is ours."

"This window...?" She breaks contact and moves flirtatiously behind him.

"This window is ours." He steps forward and walks her backward so that her back is flush against the glass.

"What about the sand?"

"The sand is ours." His fingers fold around her waist.

"And the meadow...?"

"The meadow is ours and the flowers...the fields and the trees. The gardens and the fountains."

"Everything is ours." She whispers as his face inches closer to hers.

"Everything is ours, Marie." His statement concurs with her's.

"J'ai hâte que notre vie soit ensemble."

"I've got to learn a bit of French, don't I?" She smiles, feeling blissful and happy.

"Oui tu fais." Yes, you do. He closes the gap between them by kissing her. It's fervent this time. Hungry. Marie feels the hunger as well. She pulls his neck down, bringing him as close as possible and his hands grip her waist harder. Their breathing becomes ragged as they continue to pull at one another, deepening the embrace as best as they can. Unsure of how far they are able to take this, they reluctantly pull away.

"Do you know what I reckon?" She loops her arms around his hips.

"What do you reckon, Prince Leopold?"

"I reckon...that I am the luckiest royal in all of Europe—no, I reckon I am the luckiest man in all of this world, Princess."

"Oh, is that so?"

"It is so, yes." He searches her face, desperately. "I am so certain of everything when I am with you. Certain that we will be great leaders...that I will be a great King. With you by my side every decision we make will be fair and just and good. And I am so certain of how I feel for you—what I feel for you."

"Everything feels right, doesn't it?"

"Yes..." He says, softly. "I believe in the stars and the silly notion that fate brings people together and...it brought you to me."

"Our countries brought me to you, darling."

"Maybe...or maybe it was the stars."

"Or perhaps...it was the sun and the moon."

"Perhaps it was..." They gaze at one another for a few moments. "I do have one more surprise for you."

"Another?" She rolls her eyes, playfully. "So many surprises..."

"If you'd like it to be the last, it shall be the last."

"I'll let you know after I see it." She allows him to pull her away from the window, back towards the main corridor. "As long as we don't have to run." She finds herself falling for his laugh.

"No more running, Marie. You have my word." They walk hand in hand through the entire castle, to the East Wing where her chambers were. Before her guards open the doors, Leo turns to her. "Close your eyes, my love."

"How will I know where I'm going?"

"I'll lead you, come on...close them, please." She gives him one more questionable look before doing what she's told. He guides her in and then she feels him behind her, his hands on her hips, keeping her safe. "Alright, stay right here..." She hears another set doors open and then he takes her hand and pulls her forward. "You can open them now." She does so, hesitantly and immediately, her eyes well up with tears. Four big, beautiful and vibrant hydrangea bushes decorate her previously empty balcony. Initially, she's too stunned to speak...he'd said that he would get these for her, she just didn't know he'd come through so quickly. "Are they what you told me about? I explained to our gardener exactly what you said to me, but I was afraid they wouldn't be what you wanted..."

the sun and the moon || h.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें