"What word shall I use then?"

"Handsome, heroic...I'd even settle for alluring."

"Well, someone is very full of themself."

"To be fair, I don't think I'm any of those things, but I'd rather be nothing than enchanting!" They laugh together easily and fall into step, gliding down the corridors. They make light conversation and Marie pokes and prods, trying to get more insight on his plan for their day. The castle grounds were beautiful...the grass, trees and shrubs were greener than ever. The sky was a vibrant blue and the birdsong was cheerful. They entered the stables and Leopold requested both of their horses to be readied for riding. "I hope you don't mind...I spent some time with Lune the other day. He's a strong horse...I can tell he's loyal."

"I remember when he was a foal, he was the best gift I've ever been given. As a young princess, my parent's only child...I wasn't allowed many friends—actually, I wasn't allowed any friends. He became my friend, I suppose. I spent every day with him and we grew together and he's always been by my side."

"Harry and I...we weren't allowed many friends either. If we'd not had one another, I fear our childhoods would have been terribly lonely." At the mention of Harry, she feels a pit of sadness in her belly. "My brother...he's been different. Since you came here, he's changed." Unsure of where he was going with this, she stayed quiet. "Thank you."


"He respects you, and I believe he wants to be better. He's always been so impulsive and pig-headed...with no regard for our family or our kingdom."

"Were you...are you close with him?" He shrugs and fiddles with the leather of his belt.

"We used to be the best of friends...but in the past few years, he's become..." He's clearly struggling with the right words. "He's selfish and petulant. He treats women like they are nothing—"

"In what way?" She counters, wanting to know the reasoning behind this statement.

"He's made his way through half the kingdom by now...he's been with all of your maidens, I know that to be true." She didn't believe him. That was not the Harry she knew. "And I hate to speak ill of him, for he is still my brother, and I love him. He's just spent so much of his life in rebellion against our family and the throne."

"But...you said he's changed?" The pit in her stomach has only worsened.

"He has, yes. Rather...he's gotten better. He's cut his escapades fairly. For now, I believe he's only bedding half of your maidens." Marie felt like she'd been slapped. He wouldn't. He was her's, he'd said it so many times. Leo isn't aware that he's upset her until he turns and observes the look on her face. "Marie, your ladies make their own decisions...don't worry about any of this, alright?"

"He didn't—doesn't seem like that person."

"He's very...good at portraying himself otherwise. But like I said, just keep being his friend. I think you make him understand his place...you make him want to be better."

"I suppose." She forces a smile, though still very much sick to her stomach. As the horses are brought to them, her mind is still elsewhere. That is, until Leo gently takes her cheek in his hand.

"Marie..." He says softly, "Be here with me." She urges herself to snap out of the sour mood she's gotten into. Instead, she chooses to be in the moment with Leo. To truly be present with him.

"Why don't you take me to your surprise destination, my lord." He grins and helps her onto Lune's saddle, then he jumps onto his own Arabian steed.

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