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Chunwoo Choi was just a high school teenager barely surviving his junior year. No one would have thought that the phrase was to be taken quite literally. Of course, the one who depended on Chunwoo the most was there every moment that led to his final breath.
Shirotori Shintsuu was a year older than Chunwoo. The two met in Chunwoo's freshman year and it was the best thing either one of them could have asked for. They met at the school pool while Shirotori was casually suggesting a threesome to his best friends at the time: Phone and Charmander.

Shirotori was never quite the popular student as he took Charmander with him everywhere – including the pool (poor Charmander). Chunwoo was a fresh face to the land of the free, but it was ok because his parents were Americans who just happened to be Koreans who were homesick when he was conceived. To make a long story short, Chunwoo tripped over his own foot and somehow fell on Shirotori knocking Phone out of his hand, sending it to Charmander's face and knocking him off the table.

Lucky for Charmander, the floor wasn't wet. However, both of the poor, awkward, concerningly pale boys were suddenly very wet. Drenched in their own sweat in the heat of the early fall and mixing it with each other's was a great way to start the friendship.

One day, Chunwoo walked up to Shirotori and asked, "Hey, do you have any friends?"

Without hesitation Shirotori said, "No. Just don't tell that to Phone or Charmander; they get super annoyed every time I say they aren't human enough," which obviously made Chunwoo laugh. I mean why wouldn't anyone laugh at that. It was hilarious.

Give the friends a year to get closer and you get best friends. Shirotori seemed satisfied with the friendship but Chunwoo wanted more. So he pulled out the big question, "Would you like to have a threesome?"

Shirotori asked, "With whom?" To this Chunwoo blushed the brightest red you could imagine.
"I was thinking about having it be you, me, and my heart..."

Shirotori watched as Chunwoo got down on one knee and opened the Ring Pop like the true knight he was. He then swiped the delicacy and said "Nope!"

Suddenly the two most awkward dudes in the school were the hottest "thing" going around the school. They were that fluffy kind of couple. They'd hang out every time they had free time, though it wasn't any different before they became a couple. They'd hold hands and call each other cringey names like "Lolicon" and "BallsDeep69."
On March 13, Shirotori appeared in school with a giant bear and too many balloons to count. He hauled this stuff over to Chunwoo's locker where he stood confused. "What is all this," he asked.
Shirotori replied, "It's a congratulations present for being out of the womb for 16 years!"

Chunwoo looked inside the bag and said, "Oh my god, Ellen, you didn't." And sure enough Ellen (I mean Shirotori) did. Chunwoo got the Wanna One lightstick he dreamed about. Chunwoo went home that night with Shirotori who casually suggested a threesome with the lightstick to which Chunwoo happily accepted.

July 4 comes around the corner and of course the two are together. Shirotori grasped Chunwoo's hand and for the first time ever, he said "I love you." Chunwoo gazed into Shirotori's eyes, desperately searching for the joke always involved in their usual conversation. Suddenly, Shirotori's hands were sneaking around Chunwoo's waist.

"Shiro, what are you doing?"

Shiro's grasp tightened. "I love you with every ounce of my being, Chunnie~" and as Chunwoo attempted a reply, their lips locked for the first time in the 10 months they had been dating. In response, Chunwoo fainted before the first firework even went off. Sirens begin wailing shortly after, followed by flashing red lights. Shirotori desperately held onto his lover's hands and followed him into the back of the ambulance car.

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