(•~•1•~•) Sparkles?

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    "Hi, I'm Whisteria Budde, but you can call me Whisty. My family and I just moved here from New Jersey. I'm part of a triplet set with these two, " she indicates to Orchid, Ori, and Anemone, Anne, " and I hope I make friends here in Albany." The new girl took her seat in the back row as her sisters introduced themselves.
      "Hey, new kid, " Whisty hears from beside her. She looks up from her white and purple spotted notebook to see a girl that looked much like herself. Almost whit blonde hair, dazzling purple eyes, even though the girls were dark blue, and a pale complexion topped off with rosy cheeks." I'm Crissy, short for Chrysanthemum, Budde. Don't you think that is odd?" Wisteria looks at her, puzzled. Was she part of a quadruplet set, and not a triplet set? "Yeah, I guess. Where did you come from?" She replies to the girl to her left? "New Jersey......."
       There a moment of shocked silence as Whisteria reaches in her patterned backpack and pulls out a very worn looking spiral notebook with paper clips and sticky notes protruding from all sides. She flips to a new page and jots down about the girl. She also makes a mental note to ask her parents about the girl.
     "Okay class, welcome to the first day of 6th grade. I'm your teacher, Mrs. Barlem. I will be your Homeroom teacher as well as your Music/Band teacher." Mrs. Barlem was a tall, lean woman in her mid-30s. She has owl-eye glasses and sparkling green eyes and a dark, Hawaiian skin tone.
    As she began to pass out papers for the parents to fill out, her lookalike tapped her on her shoulder." Hey, Whisty, your back is sparkling! Is that an effect of your shirt?" No, it is not. She thought to herself, panicking while putting her purple and white hoodie back on.

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