Damian Wayne x Male Reader 1k special

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Request: no.

Warnings: Kidnapping maybe some torture...

Summary: Damian has a soulmate that is not what he expected.

Soulmates; a person ideally suited as a close friend or romantic partner. This is the definition I was given as a child and to be honest I hoped for a friend, not a romantic partner.

I'm not going to lie I disliked him, my soulmate, I thought he was an entitled kid that needed to chill out and try to do something with his aggressive behaviour. My meeting with him was when I just turned fourteen, at this point in life I was just a kid who travelled around the world a bit so I still had sun kisses and obvious tan but not an overbearing orange. My freckles were very easy to spot.

So when I say I stuck like a sore thumb I wouldn't be lying. And don't get me started on my accent, it sounds mostly Italian as that's where I was most of the time when I grew up, and no Rebecca I do not know why in the living hell what my parents were thinking when coming to Gotham, USA. Full of crime and killer clowns wanting to kill us every Saturday...

I was uncomfortable because I was homeschooled all my life until this point. Walking in the uniform felt like I was going to sell my soul to the devil but not only that I didn't like how it looked alright on me as if it was almost a second skin.

I made my image of myself to be strong but not overpowering, to be kind and fair like I was taught to be a gentleman to all. So when I made my steady pace to the office, I kindly rejected for a buddy system or anything wanting to venture this place at my freedom. It felt like one of the many places I've been to, making some notes in my brain every now and then.

I went to my first lesson Tutor as they like to call it because it's posher because Britain is when in some places it's just a horrible place to be, be assured by someone who lived there for two years... Everything went fine until someone asked where I'm from.

“I am French but I was mostly raised in Italy because of my father's side wanted us near them.” My answer brief and informative to everyone, my warm [e/c] glanced over everyone. No more hands up to question me, and honestly, I didn't like to basically be investigated by strangers that are called my peers...

My days were brisk and fast as a snap of my fingers, not many events happened. Just me making one friend and she was awesome. She had short brown hair with hot chocolate warm eyes with pale skin, it wasn't sickly but a snow white kind. She was a willow figured girl but held herself with an air of pride and care to her.

We had a couple of lessons together, but right now I'm late for class without my dear friend. I dashed through the corridors trying to find my classroom. Muttering directions to myself as I barely dodged another boy with slightly tanned skin, brilliant green eyes and brushed black hair.

He was also fourteen, he was already in a foul mood as he was scowling and grumbling curses. He was handsome I would give him that but his eyes seem to target me. As I moved past him I just touched him that lasted zero point two seconds. He was pissed.

After I said a hurried but sincerely ‘sorry, excuse me.’ He blows up. The kid said a very loud and annoyed, “You should be. Peasant.”

I sharply turn as I shot a glare at him, “I take that back my apology. Goodbye.” I said in a pointed and sharp tone, I went back into my dash to my class. I left that kid with the thought that he should learn some damn manners.

Some weeks past as my body felt like it was battered and bruised when I looked for it I found nothing, just a quote.

What we find in a soulmate is not something to tame but something wild to run with."

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