Surrounded by an idiot

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Paden woke up to the front door slamming open. She decides to get up and see what the cause of the ruckus was. Must be my roommate.

Paden walks out and sees a tall girl with curly pink hair lazily tied into a bun. The girl turns towards her and jumps back like a cat would at a cucumber. She takes something out of her ear which Paden can only assume is an air pod. "Oh, you scared the shit outta me. You're my roommate, right?" The girl inquired. "Yeah, I'm Paden." Her roommate smiled. "Claira." Claira stuck out her hand. Paden was reaching for her hand when she remembered that she still had to organize her room. 

"Okay, I'm gonna go finish organizing my room." Paden said, turning to walk away. "Hey, can you actually help me with the other furniture first?" Claira asked, not wanting to lug all couches from her car up the stairs by herself. Paden sighed. "Maybe later, I have work that isn't just making my room pretty. I need to go get set up." "Could've fooled me," Claira said under her breath. "Hey, I never said that I wouldn't help you, I just need like an hour to put my stuff together. Why don't you do the same," Paden shot back. "I already did that, and all of the couches and stuff will just get stuck and crush me if I do it by myself," Claira put her hands on her hips. "Then you can wait," Paden shrugged and walked away. Claira groaned and went to her room. "Rude..."

Claira decided to practice dancing since she was going to get her studio tomorrow. She turned on her phone to put on some Panic!AtTheDisco and Marina and the Diamonds. Bubblegum Bitch comes on and she goes along the best she can. After a while, she gets bored because apparently Paden isn't done yet. So, Claira goes to her laptop and watches My Hero Academia for about an hour.

Meanwhile, Paden is busy with organizing her bookshelf and desk. "Okay, maybe I am trying to make it look a bit pretty..." She sighs and thinks back to her roommate. She starts to think how Claira looked like she worked out a bit, and how her hair goes with her skin tone nicely- Too bad she's annoying. Paden soon has her room set up but noticed that above her bed there was an empty spot on her wall. She didn't really like posters since she doesn't watch many shows. Eh I'll find something to put there someday...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Hey, you done in there? I would like to have a fridge sometime this year," Claira yelled through the door. Paden sighed. Paden really didn't want to move furniture up and down the stairs since she wasn't the strongest person out there, but at the same time she knew that it wasn't fair, and she would most likely get into another argument later which she wasn't in the mood for. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming," She opened the door and almost got crushed by Claira as she fell through. She must have been leaning on the door. Paden almost fell over laughing. "Why were you on the door?!" Claira turned red. "I thought you were going to take a while!" Paden helped her up and noticed how much taller Claira was, Paden squinted up at her. Claira started to walk away, "Well, they're not gonna move themselves, now are they?" Paden stood a second more then started to follow. 

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