Midterm Week

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By now me and my friends were three shots deep in tequila and we were feeling the music running through our veins. Bodies were swaying back and forth following the electric rhythm. For a slight second I felt my insecurities gnawing at my thoughts, so I decided to head back to the bar for just a couple more minutes. I grabbed some napkins off the the table and wiped away the sweat that had begun to form on my brow. As I continue to make my way towards the bar I instantly feel a crowd of eyes on me, and much to my surprise their was. I make eye contact with a guy that looks like he could fuck me up in more ways than one. At last I reach my heaven and ask for more tequila. This bar was kind of expensive, so I decided to spend the rest of my money on shots and live off of cup of noodles for the rest of the week.

One down, two more to go.

By now I couldn't feel my lips so I knew it was time for me to relax a bit. I look down at the two shots that were basically begging me to consume them, I had already spent the money so why let it go to waste?

Two down, one more to go.


I take the last shot and slam my hand on the bar while thanking the bartender, turning around I come in contact with my best friend Amanda. I walk over to her and grab a hold of her hands, dragging her back into the sea of bodies. By now the night was at it's peak and I was ready to let loose. The music took control of my body and made me move in ways that I thought were weird, but felt so right. Amanda is dancing beautifully and  I can just tell she's ecstatic. We've been through so much together so it's understandable when I say that I don't like her new boy, even if they danced wonderfully together.

I begin to feel lonely again and start to wonder if maybe I drank too fast because now I was feeling a bit nauseous. I stumble my way towards the door that leads you to the outside deck. As I make my way towards a bench I decide to pull out my phone and see if my mid-term grades have been posted.

My mouth drops a bit when I see that I didn't pass any of my tests. What the fuck. I go over to the nearest person who had a cigarette in their mouths and ask if I could steal a smoke from them. As soon as it's lit I drag it out and thank the lovely girl who looked concerned.

I can't say I'm surprised that my grades are shit, I did it to myself. Moving away was a big change, and I let myself get carried away with the parties and the tailgates and the long nights and the drugs. Before I came here I never even knew what marijuana smelled like, and now it's basically water to me.

I made my way back over to the bench and sat quietly, looking up at the stars. There was mostly smokers, and couples out here, sneaking away for a little break.

"Smoking kills you know?"

I look towards the man that was standing a little too close to my bench. He reaches out and takes the cigarette from my hands and drops it down onto the deck before stepping on it and taking a step closer to me. His legs were in between mine and his six foot frame had me looking up to the sky, and it doesn't help that I'm still sitting. I take a big gulp before saying.

"I don't usually smoke" I paused and stood up before placing my hand on his chest and pushing him back a bit, "and if I did, it shouldn't concern you." I tired making my way around him when he spun me around and made me stumble onto him for support.

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear; "You're a hot, sweaty mess."  and licked my ear before I shot him back and sped away.

Walking back into the club I noticed that I might have been outside for too long, because most of the dancing had died down and people were beginning to leave. I look in every corner of the club hoping to see at least one of my friends, but fail miserably. I head towards the exit and pull out my phone, now having to pay for a damn Uber ride. Shouldn't be too long for the car to get here, so I walked towards the beginning of the parking lot so that we could avoid traffic.

I get a notification and find out that my ride had been canceled. Great, just perfect. What else can happen tonight? I frantically search for another ride when I hear tires screech to a stop right in front of me. The window goes down and I look in and ask if they were looking for Andrew.

After I hear a short yes, I climb into the back of the sleek black car and begin to text my friends, asking them where they went. The car comes to a halt and I look up and see that we were still in the same parking lot, just parked a bit further from most of the public. My phone goes off and alerts me that my ride was at the pick up location waiting for me. I begin to feel uneasy and reach for the door handle when the doors suddenly lock. I look up and see that it was the same guy from the club, the one that licked me.

"What the hell is going on?" I look at him curiously while he just stares at me as if I had something on my face.

"You're beautiful you know that?" I stare at him and gulp nervously.

"I was watching you from the moment you walked into that club, you were hugging yourself and standing behind your little friends." His voice reminded me of a raspy instrument.

He reached his hand back in between the front seats and set his hands on my knees, making circular motions.

What was I doing? Why am I not screaming for help? Why am I liking this?

I should be asking myself a million other questions, but I can't stop thinking about how hot he was. Jesus.

His hands begin to travel up and that's when I blurt out, "can you please take me home?"

"Sure, but after the after party." I look up at him and he pulls his bottom lip out and gives me the biggest eyes ever. I can't say no.

"Let's do it."

Hours pass and I was presented a moment of happiness, and honestly I want to know what that feels like again. I lost the guy I had came here with almost as soon as I got here, but I made friends quickly. I had never been to a frat party before and I have to say that they're as great as everyone said they would be.

"Your turn!" I hear the girl I had met minutes ago say to me. She hands me a small baggie and a tiny pink shovel. Opening up the bag I notice that what was presented before me was, cocaine. I look up and catch my reflection looking back at me, my hair going every which way. Without thinking I take a quick sniff and pass the bag over to the dude next to me. Never having done this before I begin to freak out and walk out of the bathroom we were cooped up in.

That's when I hear the music and my body begins to feel like I'm levitating slightly off of the ground, making my way towards the dance floor I spot the hot guy I came here with and reach for him. I pull him in close and he slightly stumbles onto me before composing himself.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close, as if my life depended on it. I begin to sway my hips and he quickly picks up the pace. His breath was hot and I wanted to ask him if he had asthma because he was breathing down my neck like a thirsty camel. I feel my pants begin to tighten, and I know he feels the same. I feel his wet lips placed on my neck, and then teeth. Is he an asthmatic vampire?

I pull back and hear the sound of his mouth unhooking from the skin on my neck. I open my eyes and see his eyes going crazy, but I bet mine were just as bad. Who is he?

"What's your name?" I ask him cautiously.

He smiled and held my cheeks together before kissing me briefly and saying, "Dylan".

The night was over and Dylan finally agreed to taking me home. As I sat in the passenger seat and stared at the lights and buildings flashing by I couldn't help but think of how disappointed in myself I should feel. I'm failing almost all of my classes, I haven't been able to get a job in three months, and now I see cocaine as a norm? College has changed me, and I miss my mom.

Before I know it we're pulling up to my apartment complex. I look over and catch Dylan eyeing my neighbors with a look of concern?

I placed my hand on top of his and said "Relax rich boy". I reach over and he puckers his lips and is surprised when I kiss his cheek.

"It was nice meeting you. Take care and thank you for the ride" I reach for the handle when he pulled me back, causing me to just lean back while my lower half is already out of the car.

He pulled my head back and whispered "You aren't getting rid of me that easily Andrew." He gave me a sweet but firm spider-man kiss and set me free.

Hey, let me know how you guys liked this chapter! And if I should continue?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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