Chapter 105

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After GuQingPei returned home, he immediately called his assistant and asked him to find out more details with the Entrepreneurs Association's credit union project with soliciting shareholders. He had no idea what YuanYang's plan is, but he knew that the old fox, YuanLiJiang won't go easy and lose to his own son. Unless for whatever reasons, he takes the initiative to give in.

After his assistant took on the task, he reported another incident to him, informing him that the senior executives for the WeiShui project were getting a little impatient. It seemed as though they are beginning to doubt that he is ill.

GuQingPei didn't intend to pretend any longer. Just yesterday, he had attended a public event where many people recognized him. It would be difficult to ensure that this news won't spread to those people's ears. Continuing to drag this situation on would only create discord among the two companies. He thought for a moment and then tells the assistant, "Give them a call and tell them that the contract agreement will be signed the day after tomorrow. The money will be transferred to the account on the same day."

"Director Gu, where are we going to get the money?"

"If we're really out of options, I can only pay out of my own pocket first." GuQingPei comforted, "Don't worry, there will always be a way. This afternoon, Director Wu and I will go to TangSuNan Loan to meet up with Director Ding. Our company also have a few commercial housing units that can be mortgaged. Gather and straighten out all the information needed, I'm going to come back to the company at 3pm."

"Ok. Got it."

"Oh and........."

"Is there something else, Director Gu?"

"If my cell phone is tapped, do you know how to fix that?"


"Aren't you learning about computers? You should know something, right? "

"Generally, you can just use a hacking software. It's not a difficult task, but to fix it, would cost some money."

"That's fine, help me do it immediately."

"Okay, do you want to call the police?"

GuQingPei smiled, "Silly boy, don't need to call the police, just fix this quickly."

GuQingPei hung up and glanced at the time. It's not even 11 yet so there was enough time for him to just rest a bit.

He leaned on the couch. His back and legs are sore and his private part scorchingly painful. When he was walking, it was inevitable that there would be friction from rubbing against his skin. This is very embarrassing. When he thought of the scenario from last night, there is still some lingering fear even now.

He tried to avoid being idle or his mind would constantly think about his situation with YuanYang. But he couldn't help it. He doesn't even want to move his fingers at the moment. When his body stops moving, his mind will quickly start to race. As result, his mind is still full of YuanYang.

The more he thought, the more confused he became. In this state of confusion, he suddenly realized something. Grabbing onto his phone, he searched the internet for "YaoShin Securities." The newspaper article had mentioned that LiuZiWen is the daughter of the CEO of YaoShin's Securities. He does not know whether it was his own illusion or misconception, but he's always felt that the attitude between YuanYang and LiuZiWen is somewhat strange. But, it could just be because YuanYang did not use his menacingly roguish behavior on the girl like he did on him.

The first news that popped up was that YaoShin Securities had fallen into a crisis of credibility. It was suspected of merging with other securities companies to manipulate the broader market. Some of the rumors were that it may face persecution. However, the only scoop he found was from this one internet site. He couldn't find any news in mainstream media. And this scoop reported by the internet site is really new. GuQingPei guessed that it would have been deleted in a little more time.

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