Dawn of the twin substitute's

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I was having a nice nap when Ichigo dad came flying at me like the world's most obnoxious missile

Isshin: GOOD MORNING Y/N!!!!

then I grab him by the face and slammed him on the ground to keep him still

Y/n: you just have no of switch do you

Isshin: do you like any better at this looks like there is nothing left for me to teach you my son in law

Then I remember yesterday and how we got attacked by that Hollow and I died

Y/n:(what's going on I had a hole in my chest) wait what about Karin and yuzu they alright, what about Ichigo

Isshin: what are ya talking about there all down stairs

I let isshin go and went down stairs to see the giant hole still In The house and Karin and yuzu didn't have a scratch on them and they were all sitting next to Ichigo eating breakfast

Yuzu: morning y/n, did you know a truck hit our house last night

Karin: I'm more suprised that we didnt hear or see it

Ichigo: if you don't hurry up I'm gonna eat your food

Y/n:( what's going on they think a truck did this and what's with Ichigo she knows what happen too could that soul reaper have done this)

Ichigo:hurry your foods getting cold

When she said that it snapped me out of my thoughts

Y/n: oh yeah I'm coming


Me and Ichigo we're sitting in class talking to our friends about the so-called truck that crashed into our house when a familiar voice came from behind us

???: Hello your Ichigo and y/n right


Y/n: wait that voice

Rukia: I'll be sitting next to You to from now on my name is rukia

Y/n: what the- it's you again

Rukia: I hope we can get along

Then she reach out to shake my hand but I saw a message on hers telling us to meet her I'm thr back of the school
So we did

Y/n: so what's going on here why's here and why do you look like you knew this

Rukia: I guess you didn't explain it to him huh

Ichigo: I didn't have to e alright

Y/n: explain what?

Rukia: well I'm going to be start coming to your school now I can't return to the soul society seeing as how I gave almost all my power to Ichigo so it's going to be up to you to fill my duty as a soul reaper

Y/n: okay lady I'm no soul reaper okay I'm just me

Then I remembered last night

Y/n: hey what happened last night I remember....dying

Ichigo: you did, but you came back it's like this weird power healed you right up

Y/n: okay you guys are confusing the hell out of me

Rukia: (putting on glove) why don't I just show you

Y/n: show me wha-

Then she ran at me and facepalm me with that glove of hers when I look down I saw I was in a black kimono with a long white sleeve and a sword on my back

bleach fem ichigo x male reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora